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Why is the Government Tax the Poor and not the Rich.?

CEO’s, Football, Baseball, Basketball player get Millions but are only taxed for the first

$90,000 for Social Security When everyone Collects it

But if we Taxed everyone equal There would be no deficit and Social Security would be Okay but only if taxed the way it was meant to tax everyone not just the one’s that make $90,000 or less.

We need things to change all the money we pay in Social securety Taxes is for Americans and Americans Disabled and we all know it is very hard to live on Social Securety but for many Americans it is all the money they every get but we loose Millions of Taxes by not Taxing all the Money people earn. or they might start with higher taxes on imports from other Country

Just think how Americans could be treated if we tax everyone the same or even lower taxes with enough money

America First


CEO’s, Football, Baseball, Basketball player getThousands even Millions but are only taxed for the first $90,000 for Social Security When everyone Collects it and the National Deficit grows higher & higher.

We our told if something is not done soon it will run out and everyone knows how the Deficit is doing it go’s higher & higher .

But if we Taxed everyone equal There would be no deficit and Social Security would be Okay but only if taxed the way it was meant to tax everyone not just the one’s that make $90,000 or less. There are Thousands comming home Disabled from this War and many others from other War or "conflicks" And many Americans are Disabled Plus the Baby boom is starting to retire. The fact that is is mismanaged now and we need to do something.The rich say they pay more taxes then the middle class but they stop like everyone at $90,000

Americans should come first

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're rambling....

    First off, its not just millionaires etc. There are alot of people who make over $90k.

    Changing soc. security withholdings is not going to do anything for the deficit. I wouldn't want to pay any more money into social security-- I doubt it'll be there when I'm eligible AND its mismanaged. The gov takes all kinds of money out of the trust fund to do things it shouldn't be doing anyway.

    Social Security was not meant to be something you live on. It was a supplement to retirement planning and insurance. And since benefits are limited, why should people who make more than 90k pay more into it.

    Oh, one more thing. People who make > 90k a year are roughly in the top 15% or so of wage earners. The top 20% or so roughtly pay about 75% of the taxes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The upper 5% of wage earners pay more than 50% of the tax burden. The upper 10% pay over 65% of the tax burden. Why should they pay more? Lets just make all taxes fair. Everybody and every corporation pays 15% of all earnings. No write offs, no earned income credit. Flat 15% no matter what you have earned.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    "honest" might advise anyone paying the comparable quantity of tax. A innovative earnings tax is a device of Marxism, designed to wipe out the midsection classification. seem on the effect that's had - interior the ninety or so years we've had it, the prosperous have become richer and the detrimental have become poorer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are floundering.

    When you attacked CEOs, you forgot about our super rich Union Bosses.

    You can tax, tax, and tax. The money will still be wasted, and not go where it was aimed.

    Democrats passed the law that Congress could rob the Soc Sec Bank, years ago.

    Soc Sec is still being robbed.

    That's why the Democrats didn't want to privatize it. They could no longer get their little fingers on it.

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  • C = JD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    According to IRS information, the top 50% of wage earners pay 96%of all taxes. The top 1% pay ONE THIRD.

    The rich are getting fleeced. The poor pay very little in taxes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you really look at it, the poor don't get taxed that much, it's the middle class that gets the worst deal. Also, the rich still pay 95% of all taxes paid in the US.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read up on Thomas Paine. He was the first to say that ONLY the rich should be taxed to support the poor and elderly. No wonder the man was branded a heretic....


  • 1 decade ago

    Poor people don't pay taxes. Get a job!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. You don't have even the slightest clue about who gets taxed and how they get taxed. You look like a fool.

  • Zen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry Social Security will not go bankrupt, it will become insolvent, and you will still get your money without working for it.

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