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How can you address glass etched by hard water?
Glasses washed in our disk washer develop a haze (or etching) on them over a relatively small amount of time. In AZ, we have hard water but we have a water softener. Dish washer appears to be "staining" glasses. Dish washer is a Bosch (doubt that matters)
8 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoDo you spend $14,000 per week?
The government does for combat ops in Iraq. According to the pres, run-rate of $2BB PER WEEK in Iraq. At roughly 140k troops thats 14,000 per soldier per week. The numbers are mind boggling. We have already spent over $422 billion in Iraq so far-- almost 1/2 a TRILLION dollars. For what?
So, what could we HAVE spend that money on which would have been more worthwhile.
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhy don't we just declare victory and leave Iraq?
I think I've changed my mind. We have won in Iraq.
In reviewing some history on the Iraq war, it seems that the ever-changing reasons/goals have largely been met. Think about it...
- WMD's - we have found none to speak of. Those supposedly found were early 90's era and not operational-DONE
- Oust Saddam (he's dead now) - DONE
- A free and democratic Iraq -- They have a new constitution, elected government, etc. - DONE
Bush has stated all along that "progress is being made". So what else do we REALLY, I mean REALLY, need to do? Let them sort out the rest of their mess. Did we have foreign troops occupying the US after our civil war? No.
Are we going to just keep adding to the list of to-do's and stay forever?
So, let's simply declare victory and leave. Have we really lost?
32 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy don't we just declare victory and leave Iraq?
I think I've changed my mind. We have won in Iraq.
In reviewing some history on the Iraq war, it seems that the ever-changing reasons/goals have largely been met. Think about it...
- WMD's - we have found none to speak of. Those supposedly found were early 90's era and not operational-DONE
- Oust Saddam (he's dead now) - DONE
- A free and democratic Iraq -- They have a new constitution, elected government, etc. - DONE
Bush has stated all along that "progress is being made". So what else do we REALLY, I mean REALLY, need to do? Let them sort out the rest of their mess. Did we have foreign troops occupying the US after our civil war? No.
Are we going to just keep adding to the list of to-do's and stay forever?
So, let's simply declare victory and leave. Have we really lost?
13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoShould gov bail out subprime borrowers?
Senator Schumer proposes helping out subprime borrowers with gov. money. Why should the taxpayer foot the bill for dumb lenders and even dumber borrowers? Getting a mortgage is not something to be taken lightly. There are tons of disclosures and regulatory tests on lending. If a borrower does not understand the risks, they should get somebody who can explain and advise them. Subprime is risky to begin with- so lenders should understand the issues.
My opinion is a firm no-- actually heck no.
What do you say?
17 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat craft were the captured British sailors on?
Reports indicate that the captured soldiers where on a British Frigate (HMS Cornwall). But that ship has a complement of 250 soldiers per the Royal Navy web site. Were the sailors on some smaller craft? For that matter, why didn't they tell the Iranians to go "f" themselves and leave. Certainly the frigate could have defended itself.
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoIs Halliburton treasonous?
So, do you consider Hallibrton treasonous for deciding to move it's headquarters to Dubai? Granted, the KBR subsidiary is who being spun off does the majority of military servicing.
10 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoDoes Bush Really Support the Troops?
With the recent reports of Walter Reid and how terribly we treat our injured soldiers, one has to ask if the Administation really supports the troops. Really, how can we treat our injured soldiers this way? What say you Dems, Rebublicans, Military folks? Do you really think we're supporting our troops?
2nd. I'd like to hear from anybody in-the-know about: Can injured soldiers get medical treatment outside of military hospitals and clinics? Repubs always talk about privatizing things, why not let the soldiers use private health care (paid for by the Gov of course)?
12 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhat's the best big screen TV technology to buy?
I'm looking into a 65-72 inch big screen TV. I was wondering what people thought was the best technology to get in this size range-- there's LCD, DLP, LCOS (HD-ILA), CRT and even plasmas are getting to the 60" range these days.
My leading contenters at this point are either DLP or HD-ILA
1 AnswerTVs1 decade agoWhere can I get a Madden 2005 Manual?
Anybody know where I can get a Madden 2005 Manual for PS2 version of the game? Thanks! EA Sports doesn't seem to have it-- although they DO have 2004- Doh!
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAre you angry about the sensitive info released by 2 Republican legislators?
So R's are supposed to be the ones who will protect us? Pat Roberts and Peter Hoekstra, two Rep. lawmakers pressured the Administration to post captured Iraqi documents on a web portal w/out fully vetting them and known risks. Clearly, we have some of the most retarded people running this country since they posted some very sensitive material purely for political gain w/out regard for national security. These idiots should be removed from office. Any other person who breached security of this sort would be-- and likely prosecuted as well.
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDemocrat Values - Pt2?
A question on this was posted;_ylt=Amkct...
Reading some of the answers makes me wonder where you righties get your information.
gimpalong said:
- there are 7th generation welfare recipients - Welfare hasn't even been around that long.
- A union car guy makes 60-80/hr + bene's. $60/hr would put that guy above 10% of income earners- not possible $20-30/hr w/overtime is closer.
How many of you righties can honestly tell me me that you or your family haven't benefited from "liberal" types of policies and cornerstones - e.g. Unemployment, Soc. Security, Union representation, Regulations governing water, lending, safety, etc.
Fact is, few if any. And no, I haven't EVER been on welfare, collected unemployment or worked in a union job.
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAt what income level do you consider somebody "rich"?
I hear all the time, that the "rich" should pay their "fair share" of taxes. But nobody who says this ever clarifies what "rich" is. For that matter, what is a "fair" share? Insofar as income goes, our tax code is progressive, not regressive (sales taxes for the most part are regressive)
For some perspective, here are some figures from the IRS (recent tax year).
Top 20% (those above $75k AGI) pay 72% of income taxes and have 62% of income.
Top 11% (those above $100k AGI) pay 61% of income taxes and have 49% of income.
Tax Breaks - Yes, there are quite a few strange tax breaks that benefit some special interests. But, the most common tax breaks apply to the vast majority of income earners. Yet, those phase out quickly once you get above certain income levels -- Examples: Itemized Deductions, Child and Educational Tax Credits, Exemptions/deductions for dependents.
17 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy aren't conservatives livid over how much money has been squandered in Iraq?
I'm not talking about the war per se. I'm talking about fiscal responsibility. On the radio yesterday, I heard how billions of dollars have simply vanished due to the lack of accounting practices and justification. In fact, when Congress forced Bremmer to account for any outlays, they simply went to another slush fund which they didn't have to account for. How, can ANY conservative NOT be outraged by the waste and mismanagement we've seen with our tax dollars?
16 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAnybody know places in Flgastaff, AZ that has Karaoke?
2 AnswersMusic2 decades agoWhy has discourse in this country become so divisive and nasty?
Here on Answers, blogs and practically any venue of discussion between political parties (cons, libs, dems, repubs), debate has degenerated into name calling and stereotypes. Why can't people simply debate their ideas based on principles and facts? Even tho there are clear differences in opinion, why can't people respect differences in opinion and find solutions?
Has the turn to Republican led Federal and (some) state govs created this environment? Are people just fed up with gridlock?
What are your thoughts?
13 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago