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Why don't we just declare victory and leave Iraq?

I think I've changed my mind. We have won in Iraq.

In reviewing some history on the Iraq war, it seems that the ever-changing reasons/goals have largely been met. Think about it...

- WMD's - we have found none to speak of. Those supposedly found were early 90's era and not operational-DONE

- Oust Saddam (he's dead now) - DONE

- A free and democratic Iraq -- They have a new constitution, elected government, etc. - DONE

Bush has stated all along that "progress is being made". So what else do we REALLY, I mean REALLY, need to do? Let them sort out the rest of their mess. Did we have foreign troops occupying the US after our civil war? No.

Are we going to just keep adding to the list of to-do's and stay forever?

So, let's simply declare victory and leave. Have we really lost?


btw folks-- I'm fully aware of what I've written, I can spin too. I just don't agree that WE, the US have to ensure a stable Iraq. There are tons of countries that are just as unstable. Do we have to go stabilize all of them?

complete-- its not that easy? Sure it is. Declare victory, say "see ya" to the Iraqi gov and say, you got the ball. Go!

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We Declared vicotry, May 1st, 2003. Remember bush on the Aircraft Carier?

    Deet dee dee.

  • 1 decade ago

    Iraq is a place of civil unrest right now! I have a husband who has been there twice and was in Baghdad both times. Theses are people who are a lost cause. The war we are fighting is a Religious one. They have been fighting amongst each other since biblical times. This is a war we cannot win. We are fighting a war with a culture that does not like us. Granted some do and alot of them work for our armed forces...but these men cannot alot of times go back home for is they are found out they will be killed. Or if they find out your are working for the Americans they will kill you, and not think twice at the fact you are just trying to make a living. This is a civil war which we cannot win. This is just my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not for the war, and I am a disabled Vet, but the War isn't over yet.

    I find flaw in the statement about America's Civil War. Our own people declared war on each other, and the Union forces "occupied" the south for years. We started the war in an area that has been fought over for years, changing hands countless times. The major Problem is the war wasn't "really" against Iraq, but against a "faceless" foe Terrorism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we leave the employment rate would double in the 1st mouth. There is not enough jobs that pay enough without assistance to make up for the volunteers and troops. Plus we need to set up a post around the oil fields not to control and claims ours, but to enforce rules. Like why are oil fields set on fire, we Americas worry about Auto industry causing pollution what do think burning 10,0000 gals of oil into the air does. Last there is really good honest people who need help but 1st they need direction. I wonder if Bush would retain his respect if the war ended with victory.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You've finally awakened a little bit.

    Yes, the war to liberate Iraq is won and over ... The mission WAS accomplished.

    This is not the same war...and it is far from over. Iraq has become the battlefield for the war on Terrorism. Al Quaida has gone to face off with America and it's allies in Iraq rather than in New York City, London, or Sydney....and I can't say that's a bad thing.

    So you're right... let's rightfully declare victory in the battle to liberate Iraq...and carry on with the long long war ahead to rid the world of Islamist fundamentalist terrorists.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the US will leave Iraq at this time, the Sunnis and the Shiites will fight each other to the death which will victimize innocent Iraqi civilians by the millions. Something that would not happen if the US did not invade Iraq. If this happens, the US will be blamed for the chaos it will leave behind by pulling out prematurely.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you on most of your statements. The one that I see as a problem, is that no matter what happens, we will ALWAYS be in Iraq, or at least a small contingency will always be there. I don't particularly want our troops there, but just look at all of the other countries that we have been at war with, and "won". Every single one of them, there are troops there, from Europe, to Japan, to Korea. I left out Vietnam, since we didn't win that one.

  • 1 decade ago

    As it's been said to you lieberals many MANY times now, we won, your Saddam is dead. You may not care about the innocent Iraqis being murdered by insurgents but there are those of us that do. Maybe if you had the balls to join the military, you might have been the one that wrapped it up and they could be home but no, you'd rather the innocent Iraqis be murdered. I hope your soul is in good order cause I don't think your God will like it too much.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    mmkay, so here is the deal. we are in contact in a conflict on many, many ranges. first, when I ask what faith "all those iraqis" are, you're saying muslim, precise? properly, in case you asked the iraqis what faith "all those human beings" are, they say christian. they see the yankee squaddies as christians, and muslim extremists sense obligated to kill them in the call of allah. 2d, there are factions between the muslims. i'm helpful you have heard of them: the shi'ites and the sunnis. there is another peace-loving faction, yet why could *they* be on the information? in any case, the two factions are engaged in a civil conflict, wherein they purpose to kill the different muslims as much as they purpose to kill human beings. as you will locate, we've *no longer* gained the conflict in iraq. and its unlikely to get to any extent further useful the two. the reason we gained't pull out is that if we do, the completed united states will cave in in civil conflict. it relatively is going to be a bloody mess for some years, and in the top somebody even worse than saddam will take the throne. and it relatively is going to be our fault in the eyes of the completed international. so we are caught. can we please human beings? or can we appease the *different* six billion human beings available?

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a great question. I guess because if we left, "the terrorists" would have a place to train so they could attack us later. Of course, we are there now and they are still training.

    Also, GWB cannot ever admit he was wrong. Look at the people he has appointed--all of them terrible. But he thinks they are great because allthough they are not qualified, they have the only quality he looks for-personal loyalty to him.

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What bothers me is that there are no more measurable elements of victory. All we have instead are vague suggestions that we need to "defeat evildoers," or "create a government that can stand on it's own two feet."

    It seems that all measurable goals are gone, and what we have left is a set of obscure slogans.

    We're not even sure who we're fighting anymore! How is "victory" possible when no one will clearly say what that is?

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