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Why don't we just declare victory and leave Iraq?

I think I've changed my mind. We have won in Iraq.

In reviewing some history on the Iraq war, it seems that the ever-changing reasons/goals have largely been met. Think about it...

- WMD's - we have found none to speak of. Those supposedly found were early 90's era and not operational-DONE

- Oust Saddam (he's dead now) - DONE

- A free and democratic Iraq -- They have a new constitution, elected government, etc. - DONE

Bush has stated all along that "progress is being made". So what else do we REALLY, I mean REALLY, need to do? Let them sort out the rest of their mess. Did we have foreign troops occupying the US after our civil war? No.

Are we going to just keep adding to the list of to-do's and stay forever?

So, let's simply declare victory and leave. Have we really lost?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bush doesn't like to make decisions he feels that he was forced into. He will do it his way just to prove he is right, which is wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    mmkay, so here's the deal. we're involved in a conflict on many, many levels.

    first, when i ask what religion "all those iraqis" are, you say muslim, right?

    well, if you asked the iraqis what religion "all those americans" are, they say christian. they see the american soldiers as christians, and muslim extremists feel obligated to kill them in the name of allah.

    second, there are factions among the muslims. i'm sure you've heard of them: the shi'ites and the sunnis. there is one other peace-loving faction, but why would *they* be on the news? anyhow, the two factions are engaged in a civil war, in which they aim to kill the other muslims as much as they aim to kill americans.

    as you can see, we have *not* won the war in iraq. and its not going to get any better either.

    the reason we can't pull out is that if we do, the entire country will collapse in civil war. it will be a bloody mess for decades, and in the end someone even worse than saddam will take the throne.

    and it will be our fault in the eyes of the entire world.

    so we're stuck. do we please americans? or do we appease the *other* six billion people out there?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we don't want to leave behind a humanitarian disaster that will destabilize the region and maybe even lead to a Arab-Persian war when Iran steps in to stop the well-armed Sunnis from genociding the Shi-ites. And then Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt step up for the Sunnis and :blam: a regional war that kills millions of people. The Republicans don't want to pull out because they have morals and a conscience, unlike the Left

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Iraq is a place of civil unrest precise now! I also have a husband who has been there two times and replaced into in Baghdad the two cases. Theses are people who're a lost reason. The conflict we are combating is a spiritual one. they have been combating among one yet another considering biblical cases. this may well be a conflict we can not win. we are combating a conflict with a custom that does unlike us. Granted some do and alot of them paintings for our militia...yet those adult adult males can not alot of cases circulate lower back homestead for is they're found out they are going to be killed. Or in the event that they locate out your are working for the human beings they'll kill you, and not think of two times on the actuality you're merely attempting to make a residing. this may well be a civil conflict which we can not win. it is merely my opinion.

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  • janice
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree. We went over there to get rid of Saddam...that's done. All this terrorism is a by product of Islamic faith...they were fighting each other before we ever got there. Let's just let them blow each other up, then we can go back and help rebuild. The extremist continue to voice their opposition to our being in Iraq. What they don't understand is,if they would just stop killing innocent people, we wouldn't still be there policing them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Bush - never have fought in a f-cking war has no idea what he has to do about winning it!

    You are correct!

    We should just let the Iraqis fight it out and settle their own religious differences without our troops providing the target practice for them!

    Source(s): a realist!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush left an impression of Bill there, let nature take the course.

    Source(s): ( theory).
  • xyz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why not just leave, what is the purpose of a victory

  • They still don't control all the oil and can't protect the oil stolen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Becasue we are America and we just don't know when enough is enough

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