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Are you angry about the sensitive info released by 2 Republican legislators?

So R's are supposed to be the ones who will protect us? Pat Roberts and Peter Hoekstra, two Rep. lawmakers pressured the Administration to post captured Iraqi documents on a web portal w/out fully vetting them and known risks. Clearly, we have some of the most retarded people running this country since they posted some very sensitive material purely for political gain w/out regard for national security. These idiots should be removed from office. Any other person who breached security of this sort would be-- and likely prosecuted as well.


I should have known, that R's will simply say Kerry or Kennedy this or that instead of being objective--

Hey- I'm ok with booting kerry and kennedy, they're idiots anyway.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yea I mean they say NYT is committing treason when they report about wiretapping and other things every body know. NYT now point out really technical information on nuclear technology which is more advanced than where Iranians are now, posted on freakin internet. They're still trying to dig up anything to say Sadaam had WMD and their nuts. People like Rick Sanctorum bragged about finding old cache of chemical weapons materials found in Iraq that are just ancient garbage and have been sitting in dust for years. He said 'we found WMD.' While Rumsfeld led invasion allowed people to steal materials meant for chemical weapon development.

    Iraqi invasion basically turned up no WMD, but gave away materials to make WMD to people who were allowed to cross borders. That's just nuts. Some of these nuts don't deserve a seat in congress.

  • 1 decade ago

    If this is true they should be put in on trial for crimes against humanity. If you could establish direct gain they would get from increase expenditures their obvious desire to spread WMD they should be expelled from the house. Come next Tuesday they may not have all the slimy friends they thought they would.

  • 4 years ago

    Uninformed Yahoo question Asker: one million. how are you able to, or absolutely everyone, take bill O'Reilly heavily, whilst he would not state the information unbiasedly, yet somewhat places his opinion into each and every information tale, and has suggested racist reviews on air? 2. the kind one subject for the period of this election seems the financial equipment. What do you think of appropriate to the actuality that "Democratic presidents have continuously bigger financial growth and continuously decrease unemployment than Republican presidents"? 3. What do you assert to those who could argue that Abraham Lincoln replaced into genuinely "the main liberal, maximum green nominee to ever run for president"? persist with up: 4. What could you assert to those who could say even with Lincoln's inexperience, he replaced into the terrific president of u.s.? 5. concerning to your question thirteen, do you recognize that intercourse offenders can genuinely have engaged in one nighttime of drunken intercourse in college, and that their lives are already ruined even with no count number if that regulation replaced into handed? 6. concerning to your question 3, whilst did existence start up for people who're on dying row? persist with up: isn't it hypocritical to be professional-existence yet for the dying penalty? 7. concerning to question 11, isn't it genuine that Sarah Palin has no international experience? persist with up: isn't it genuine that being a mayor of a few thousand human beings can not often count sort as experience? yet another persist with up: isn't it genuine that George H.W. Bush has 8 years of government experience, even as his son had 6 years, and that they are the two referred to as unpopular, in many situations undesirable presidents? (notwithstanding GW does beat daddy in historic rankings, even although he had much less experience) 8. Addressing a lot of your questions, does it count number if we are prevailing a struggle if we could consistently have in no way been there interior the 1st place and that hundreds of harmless lives have been misplaced for NO reason? Oh guy, if purely a republican could answer those questions... I scent hundreds of holes in those arguments...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Totally ignoring the fact that those documents reveal the fact that Saddam was working on nukes, and in fact was close to being able to produce one?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ... personally... I like to see more info than less... as long as it doesn't endanger troops lives...

    but, Republicans would've pitched a hissy fit 10 times over if these were democratic represenatives... I think we all know that...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It proves they will stoop to any level rather than admit being wrong, they did it to help GW look good to Americans, for show.

    Source(s): a not for profit blog
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whatever you say, dear, but first, let's remove Kerry and Kennedy--if we are removing Congressional idiots, that is.

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