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Democrat Values - Pt2?

A question on this was posted;_ylt=Amkct...

Reading some of the answers makes me wonder where you righties get your information.

gimpalong said:

- there are 7th generation welfare recipients - Welfare hasn't even been around that long.

- A union car guy makes 60-80/hr + bene's. $60/hr would put that guy above 10% of income earners- not possible $20-30/hr w/overtime is closer.

How many of you righties can honestly tell me me that you or your family haven't benefited from "liberal" types of policies and cornerstones - e.g. Unemployment, Soc. Security, Union representation, Regulations governing water, lending, safety, etc.

Fact is, few if any. And no, I haven't EVER been on welfare, collected unemployment or worked in a union job.


My Point is this-- Righties don't want any safeguards in our country and would allow people to starve, or be screwed by companies or have our environment trashed. Yet, we see all the time, that when righties need these safeguards, they use them (Rush with the ACLU)

And those who said they have not benefited-- So, you won't collect Soc. Security when you retire (assuming its there)?

Update 2:

I'm no union fan and do think they've gone to far. But Unions have benefited a great number of people. Had working conditions and unfair treatment of employees not occured, Unions would not be necessary. This still happens today in many places.

Update 3:

Dr. O - show me proof that the average line guy costs $80/hr. Apprx $4k of a car's cost today is from benefits-- retirement, etc.

I'll say again-- yes Unions have gone to far but they have had their benefit to the middle-class.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I briefly collected unemployment. it wasn't enough to live on.

    Republican math has always been one of those mysteries, like Bigfoot.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a strict constitution constructionist, as right as they come. I can tell you that my family has never benefited from Unemployment, Social Security, or Union representation. They have actually been hurt by these things, in that it takes money out of my pocket and hence theirs.

    Liberals do not have the monopoly on regulating the environment or safety, that is simply a ridiculous statement.

    Sounds like some answers from right wingers were incorrect. So are you suggesting all right wingers are wrong in their beliefs because others made an incorrect statement?

    What most left wingers and right wingers do not undertsand is we all have the same values, we simply have different ideas on how to get there.

  • Dr.O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes it is true that Unionized auto worker in Detroit cost the auto companies around $80 an hour.And we[Car Buyers] all have to pay for it.Remember the days when car used to cost $3000.As a matter of fact Banks and Government s got rich with that not auto workers.In America auto industry is the main Economic Engine this inflation has effected every industry,steel making,tooling industry,and all other manufacturing industries have been affected.The manufacturing industry was the back bone of America and now it is going to China and what not other countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to address all your issues, but I don't have the time, so I shall address one of your "benefitted from" examples.

    Union Representation. HOW has ANY Union ever benefitted anyone? Unions are a form of extortion. FORCING workers to PAY "dues" from their pockets is criminal. Unions have ruined this country by their shady practices. MMMM< the Big dig is one PERFECT example. Bectel and Kerry and Kennedy all bedfellows ripping off the working people of this country. Yup, Unions are a GREAT example of a Liberal program.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't understand what it is your trying to say, I'm hearing the blah blah blah but where is the substance of a point!

    You are wrong about 20-$30 w/ overtime I know guys that aren't union making that much w/o union and staright time. His point was to include bene's.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good for you!

    Those right-wing neo-con born-again fanatics DO need to have the air let out of their anti-constitutional balloon every now and then!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my family has in no way shape or form benifited from any socialized programsn, nore does it intend to.

  • 1 decade ago

    let's see--democrat and values in the same sentence--isn't that an oxy-moron

  • 1 decade ago

    Democratic values keep this country American.

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