Does weed give you bad memory?

I dont smoke alot, ive only smoked when friends had it or it was around. but ive only gotten high ouutaa all those times like 5 or 6 times. but after ive smoked i feel lik i have bad memory not rlyy baaad but yeaaa. does weed cause that?


n if it does if you quit cann you grow out of the bad memory??


Favorite Answer

Um...I forget. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Have never tried it, but, have been told by friends that they have more short term loss (have trouble remembering where they left their keys, etc.) than long term (i.e. remembering the names of their best friend in kindergarten). Hope that helps.


To make this short and simple, i used to smoke weed for 8 years, and yes, lol it does...short term memory loss. But not the long term memory loss.

If you quit, yes your memory does come back when the weed gets out of your system. Which doesn't take too long.


sweetsugar is correct.