So I was baby sitting today for a 2 year old and his 9 month old brother. Their grandfather was home but he is unable to care for them by himself hence my being there. Well here comes the 2 year old with twizzlers at about 9 am that his "Pop" gave him.
Seriously not cool in my book.
At what age did you let your kids have candy and what time was it in the day?
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My son has had chocolate cake at his one year birthday party (was on Aug 18) but other then that he hasn't really had junk food. At his party someone dropped a dorito and he ate that. He gets digestive cookies sometimes but we try to feed him healthy foods. Fruit is more then enough of a treat for a one year old in my books.
I don't plan on giving him a lot of junk period. That stuff should be reserved for special occasions.
I don't think twizzlers are so bad for a 2 year old. I certainly wouldn't give my 2 year old twizzlers at 9AM, but my mother and father would. Grandparents always do things for their grandchildren that parents wouldn't do, like giving them candy in the morning. I would express your concerns to the parents of the child though, and let them know that you only have their child's best interests in mind, and see what they think about it. As long as the child isn't eating candy all day, a twizzler at 9AM from Pop every once in a while isn't going to hurt.
Yikes, bad for health, teeth, and bad habit! I agree with you. Candy should be an occasional treat, and I would say after lunch or supper, or afternoon snack time. Not in the a.m! My son first had candy when he was about a year old, because of his birthday, but someone else gave it to him, and like I said, occasional treat, not all the time.
I started giving my daughter little bits of candy when she was 10 mo. But never first thing in the morning and only a few little bites every now and then, not all the time.