Friend bred dogs from same litter?

My friend has 2 dogs from different litters. Technically the same because the breeder that sold him the first dog had another litter of pups. What's going too happen to the pups? What should i do to try and help? Is there going to be any deformity in them? Kinda worried because i know it's bad to breed dogs that are from the same litter? Pups are comming in 2 weeks.


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Wow..tell them how stupid they are for not only letting the dogs breed, but yes letting them be from the same litter...something may happen and it may not..but u need to educate your friend and make sure they never let it happen again...that is really a bad good luck and I hope the pups turn out ok.


So both pups are from the same b*tch and/or stud dog, just different litters? They're still siblings. Ask your friend how breeding his two dogs is any different from breeding a human brother and sister who are technically not of the same "litter" but are nonetheless siblings? Breeding dogs this closely related can not only create a dangerously homogenous gene pool, it can also introduce inbreeding-related health problems that can be DEBILITATING.

Your friend is an idiot. Please tell him I said so.


Inbreeding is never a good thing to do. There is a higher incidence of birth defects in such matings, and often much lower fertility.

There's nothing you can do but drive his and the litter with mom to the vet when they are a day old so the vet can check them over. Also, talk your d-a friend into spaying the female and neutering the male.


Inbreeding is bad, just like it's bad for humans. A species always has better health when the genetic pool is larger, which is why mutts usually live longer than pure bred dogs. Lot's of aggression issues can arise in this new litter, along with lots of physical issues such as blindness, deafness, and other things.

Ashley. Say NO to breeding mutts2010-08-25T21:12:48Z

So the parents are siblings and not litter-mates.

Really there is nothing you can do now except to talk your friend into getting his dogs altered ASAP!

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