Who's right, me or my husband?

My husband an I have had a few problems lately. He's depressed and I just can't understand how that effects him. I'm the type of person who believes that if you have a problem you fix it or you suck it up. He's been depressed for 3 years now and the fact that he's not at the doc every couple weeks to try and get this fixed leads me to believe it's just not that serious. I'm going to sign us up for counseling since I'm just fed up with him really not participating in the household.
Our current problem is that he sold his car a few weeks ago and has been looking for a new one already. He's looking for cars in our homestate and we live overseas. When we return to the US we will not be living in our homestate since I'm military. We already have to move two vehicles from our homestate to our next duty station (my practical grocery go getter and a truck that belongs to his dad). We also have to move all his tools because he was not comfortable putting them in government storage. He want to buy a 3rd vehicle and keep it at his parents house - which means we would have to move 3 vehicles. He keeps telling me that I don't have to worry about it and he'll move everything but I do worry about it. His plan is to rent a car trailer for the car he's buying and tow it down with the truck - his dad will drive my car down and I will fly down with our daughter. I asked him why he feels pressure to buy another car and he finally told me that he feels sad since he sold his car and just wants one at home to make him feel better. I think this is the silliest thing ever - it's just a car. Here's what I want to do: He drives the truck down and I drive the car down. We get to our next duty station and get housing, get my daughter established in daycare, find out if we even have the space for 3 vehicles - and then he can start looking for a new car. I've explained all this to him and he just keeps telling me to think about him buying a car now. I've made up my mind - it's stupid to buy a new car at this point when we don't even know where we're going to be living and if we'll even be able to keep it. I wanted to get outside opinions on what people think and see if anyone knows of any way to compromise in this situation.


Also, we will be living overseas for another year, so the car would just sit at his dad's house.


Ok, "feeling sad" is not a valid reason to spend 10K on something that you may have to get rid of later. I agree with him on a lot of things - him keeping his tools at his dad's house, even though the government would move them free if we had put them in storage. He gets to buy pretty much whatever he wants, including plane tickets home whenever he wants, new tires, and car parts. All I'm asking him to do is wait until we are actually settled in our next location - is that really so much to ask?


Avoid - no one would be using the car while it was at his dad's house. He always has to have two vehicles so that he can fix one up and drive the other one and keep switching back and forth. He's buying his dad's truck for sentimental reasons too. The money from the sale of his car was always going to be used to buy him another one, it turns out that the year and model he wants will leave us with extra money. We've already agreed that whatever extra money we have when we move back will be divided in half. With his half he can buy his dad's truck and car parts and I'm going to buy some new furniture for our house.


Favorite Answer

I know this is hard to swallow but you need to let him lead more or you'll end up divorced.

I get depressed sometimes and buy things to relieve my emotions but there is ALWAYS a reason behind my sadness. When it's solved, the depression goes away.

You need to help him find out why he's sad. Until you find out he needs your compassion. That doens't mean he needs to be spending every scent you guys have though.


Well, your husband is a sentimental lug of a guy. He seems to be enjoying looking for a car. I wonder how he could buy a car without actually driving it or seeing it? Will his father go and purchase this car for him and then help move it when you get back to the states?

Is the dad the one pushing for the extra car? Maybe dad has another kid and was letting that kid use your husbands car? Now the car is gone and dad is making son feel guilty? Why a two couple family with one small child would need three cars is beyond me. The insurance, the extra space, etc... It's doesn't make sense.

However, aside from putting your foot down and demanding he quit, you are helpless to prevent him from looking. What I would do in your case is offer a alternative issue that needs attention. Maybe when you get back to the states you will want to buy your daughter a nice swing set and slide, these are not cheap. A nice one can run up towards 3,000 bucks. Maybe when you get back you will need some cash travel or home items? Maybe you want to put a few dollars in savings?
Aside from attempting to steer him towards a better use for the money I don't know what to suggest.

On another note, when he comes up with other ideas, support him. You are a real logical person which is a great thing, but for the sake of his crazy sanity, set logic aside on some smaller issues and support him. He obviously feels like he is missing something in his life, why else would he be so insane about buy a car that he doesn't need?

Benji F2010-09-05T23:23:44Z

I can't believe you even had to ask this question.

It is a stupid idea.

He wants to buy a car, with out looking at.
He wants to buy a car, and impose some one else,
to go, and handle the paper work,
He wants to insure a 3rd car, and leave it at some one elses house
He wants a car, that he cannot drive for another year

And this guy, claims he is depressed?

It made me depressed by reading the whole damn thing.

Is he in the military too? Or is the house -husband?

If he is serious, my first impression is he wants someone else to use or have the car for a year.
If he is being honest, He is just plain dumb.

Buy a car now, let it sit for a year,
Then have to change the fluids because of it just sitting
Plus the car will lose its value because it is a year later, and no one will be using it (stupid)

And you want to go to counseling? hahahaha

He needs it more then you.

Tell him to buy a dog here in the USA, and he can leave the dog at my house for year.
And when you come back a year later, you can come over and get the dog. LOL
Makes no sense at all. Right.

Again it is a stupid idea, and it was dumb that you could not even rely on your conscious for this.

If he said, I want to buy a car for my mom/ dad, and let them use it for year,or so, well that is a little different.


For me reading this story is not about who is right and who is wrong, you have a very strong personality, and I am not saying that is a bad thing but it could be if your hubby has a soft personality. I am a strong willed women and at times have had to learn to be a bit softer to make my man feel like a man, and I think this is what this is about. If he wants to get the car let him, if it doesn't fit in the new houses yard then he will sell it, but really it is not worth the aggravation of fighting over something so silly, we sometimes need to just let things be. Choose your battles my mom always said. The other thing is if he is depressed he will not want to go to the doctor, obviously because he is down and not feeling up to anything, just because you feel the situation is not serious does not mean it isn't. Being in the army teaches us to be "hard" softness is also such a nice quality God gave us women.


Your husband has been depressed for 3 years and is not getting help and you are this worried about him buying a dam* car?? Maybe buying the car will make him feel better. Maybe he's depressed b/c you so clearly wear the pants in the house that he can't even be a man. Geez let him buy the effin car and if you have no place to put it figure that out then or give daddy's truck back. Bleh.

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