What are some signs that a young teenage boy may being sexually abused.?

My family suspects a young teenage boy we know is being abused by a friend of his mother. We don't want to involve authorities unless we are fairly certain. How can we tell?


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He would probably act out a lot, participate in reckless behavior that may result in accidentally-on-purpose self-harm, and seem depressed.

If you can catch him in the same room as the suspected abuser, you should be able to tell just from body language. Good luck.


Emotionally there would be anger, hostility, depression. Is there anger directed at the mother? Physically there may be bleeding. Also some avoidance behavior.
Very touchy situation. I am not sure you could do anything without him confiding in someone first.


yes, alot of hostility and anger. and fear. you could ask the child first, and see if he ocnfides in you.