Do guys like nice,cute,shy girls or girly girls that are loud and mean.?
Do guys like cute shy girls because it does not seem like it. Where I live the guys always go for the loud, loose, popular, and mean girls. Why is that?
Yeah btw i'm in middle school not high school yet 0.o 8th grade lol
Favorite Answer
Hi Fruitloop,
Good question. The key word in your description of those girls who guys seem to go for is "loose".
Although the nice decent guys in your school might be tempted by those loose girls... they'd rather have a nice, cute, shy girl as their GF. However, the decent guys are probably also a bit shy and will hesitate asking any girls out.
Since you seem like a sweet young lady and assuming that you'd wish to avoid some common dating pitfalls, how about some free advice about guys and dating? OK.
No matter what, don't be tempted to act like a loose sl*t. Although sl*ts do in fact get lots of attention, the guys that sl*ts tend to attract are often users, losers, creeps, and players. Those types of guys might initially appear to be lots of fun... but they will trample your tender heart, they are selfish, they won't stick around for the long haul, and they don't take sl*ts home to meet their parents.
Consider the following... what do teenage guys look for in a girl? Different guys look for different things... depending on the guy and his age.
Typical young immature teenage guys: 1. Hot body 2. Cute face 3. Hot body 4. Willing to fall for their lines of crap 5. Hot body
Typical players and creeps: 1. Hot body 2. Dumb enough to fall for their lines of crap 3. Hot body 4. No Dad or big older brother to protect her 5. Hot body
Typical geeks: 1. Any reasonably attractive female who would be willing to date him
Typical mature & decent guys: 1. Nice personality (not too clingy, not too dramatic, not an airhead) 2. Nice body (hot would be good... but not required) 3. Cute face 4. Intelligent 5. Not a sl*t
In order to protect your tender heart, it's a good idea to be cautious about the types of guys that you would be willing to date... and watch out how you behave, too. Why? - Because lots of teenage guys tend to be frogs… not princes. - Because teenage guys will typically want to go way past kissing if the girl allows it. - Because many teenage girls are simply too vulnerable, too impulsive, and too emotional. - Because lots of teenage girls frequently have poor judgment. - Because teenage guys are typically only interested in what's in a young girl's panties. - Because teenage guys often don't care about a girl's feelings. - Because the types of teenage guys who are bold enough to be dating are frequently focused solely on satisfying their own selfish desires. - Because teenage girls tend to equate love with kissing and sex (translation - they get their heart trampled), while most young guys don't (translation - they simply say "See ya later!"). - Because after the inevitable break-up, a teenage girl will likely feel as though her world has collapsed. - Because any older guy who would date a young and vulnerable teenage girl is a creep.
Be advised that as time passes, your friends and classmates will probably be expecting you to follow whatever path they are traveling... even if it is a stupid path of dating too early, making out with random guys, or casual sex later on. Don't fall for that kind of peer pressure.
Age 16 or 17 would be a good time to start looking for a BF... provided your parents say it's OK to start dating, you know what to expect, and you are aware of the hazards.
What are some hazards of dating? Here are a few -
1. Watch out for those handsome players or creeps who might pretend to like you, because you could easily fall for their phony attention and smooth lines of crap. Beware - they'll use your body and then dump you like a sack of potatoes.
2. Decide on your physical limits before you start dating, and stick to those limits. Getting too excited while being alone together with your date or your steady BF is not the time to start thinking about setting limits... your judgment will be clouded, and your BF's judgment will be long gone.
3. No matter what, don't date any older adult guys who pretend to be interested in you. They're even worse than players your own age... and like the players they'll only be interested in one thing... and it won't be your mind.
Meanwhile, until you actually start dating... just think of yourself as a valuable, undiscovered pearl that has not been trampled into the mud by any pigs (i.e., horny teenage boys).
Now, when you're old enough to start hunting for a BF, if you have some reasonably decent guy friends... give them first chance. Look them all straight in the eyes and tell them that you want to start dating and this is their big chance, because you're available and will be looking for a good BF... and you don't want to hear any blubbering such as "Gee, I always liked you but thought you weren't interested! Blah Blah Blah" after it's too late.
Then just be nice to a couple of decent guys, smile at them, and ask a few questions about whatever you both might have in common (homework, school, music, teachers, etc...). They'll ask you out. If they're too stupid or too shy to ask you out (which will be likely), then you ask them out instead. If a guy says "no", laugh and tell him he's an idiot... most guys like a girl who's funny and honest, and he might change his mind.
So, want some more free advice? OK.
Exactly how do you get a guy to like you and keep him interested? Just be nice, pleasant, and friendly. Don't act like a sl*t, or you'll only succeed in attracting complete jerks who will then proceed to wreck your life... and make your parents really mad at both you and the jerk you've hooked up with.
Young guys and young girls are typically very unpredictable... including you. Don't get too wrapped up over who likes who, because the next day it could be completely switched around.
Don't expect too much from a teenage BF at first, or at least until you both get to know each other better. Statistically, it won't last anyway... so just enjoy spending time with him and have some innocent fun together. Don't be too dramatic, and don't be clingy. Don't over-analyze him too much.
Keep your panties on until you get married. That'll eliminate 99% of the creeps, losers, and players... and mistakes of passion... which will make your life much happier and simpler in the long run. You'll also be protected against pregnancy, STD's, and excessive heartache.
Don't make too many stupid decisions, don't drink booze or take drugs, don't have friends who drink or take drugs, listen to your Mom and Dad, read the Bible (the Gospel of John is a good place to start), and then everything will turn out fine.
Those are a few things for you to think about, Fruitloop.
They do that because those girls are easier to approach cause they are all flirting with us. But in the long run they will want to be with the shy nice girl, which i pick over the loud ones in the first place. You just need to find the right guy.
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