Ahh, I never ask these kinds of relationship questions?

I'm a very independent person and it seems to be conflicting with almost every relationship I've had in the past few years. Don't get me wrong, I'm sociable and not awkward or anything. I can relate to my girlfriends and have a relationship, but it always gets to the point where I can't keep up with them because I'm too busy. My relationships always start out great because I think I can handle a girl, but as time goes on I realize that I just can't do it.

Sometimes I would love to be with my girlfriend and just hangout or do whatever, but at other times I feel like I just need to have time to myself and get things done.

Maybe it's just my personality or something, but it's getting annoying. I want a girlfriend when I'm single, but when I have a girlfriend, I want to just relax and do my own thing. Blah

Any suggestions on how I can fix this? Lol any reasonable explanation or suggestion would be great.


Favorite Answer

hey...u answered my 4 eared 8 legged question and i think your right. no one seems to get it.

umm maybe you need to explain to ur girlfriends that you will also need time to spend by yourself. Tell them as much as you like/love them that you will need 'Broseph time'. P.S dont make the talk to serious but get your point through.


I know exactly what u need. If u want to have a girlfriend then you need someone who likes to be with you but also has her own life and things of her own to do. That way, you're not suffocating each other, because that does get annoying. I think in this case you need someone who is just like you. Someone whos busy, has things going on. Because if you are with a girl who lives a different life than you compltely, you just aren't going to get along. Its prob best to be single though. Save yourself the emotional rollercoaster..if u meet someone worthwhile reel em in andenjoy it. lol


Find a girl that doesn't feel like she has to be with you all the time. Now most girls are clingy and think they need to be with their boyfriend all the time, talk all the time.. but you just have to find a girl that's not like that. A girl that gives you space; because that way you don't get sick of her ya know? I use to be the same way like when you said "I want a girlfriend when I'm single, but when I have a girlfriend I want to be single." it just takes the right person to fix that, I promise(:


Get a few close female friends - the benefits of a real relationship without the drama. Anything more than friendship is a collision course with failure, so so stay single, free, and independent.


Okay, it is PERFECTLY normal to feel this way... and I'm a girl if that helps... it is important to have 'ME" time, especially in relationships, whether it be romantically or friendships. Its healthy. Let your GF know that you need some space for JUST you, talk it over, set aside days that are YOURS and then days that she gets to share you... if she honesty cares about you, then she'll compromise and give you what you need. Every personality is different, but having your own space is important.
Hope this helps. :)

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