why do some people use saltwater?

when after brushing your teeth... why do some people use saltwater?


Favorite Answer

Salt has the unique quality of binding to poisons. This is why many primitive people put salt on wounds to help heal them. A much better thing to do is called "Oil Pulling." Get a Tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and put it in your mouth and swish it around for 2 minutes and then spit it out, don't swallow it. It will contain lots of bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. Coconut oil contains Caprylic acid (8%) and Capric acid (7%) that are what many medicines are made of to fight bacteria, viruses, and fungus.

It will leave your breath fresh and contains NO chemicals that will harm you like the typical mouth washes do.

good luck to you

low low2010-09-27T11:41:39Z

i never heard of this ... sounds pretty pointless


Idk man