Why is there alot of hatred towards Christopher Columbus by many Americans?

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Providence,R.I. was doused in red paint and a sign reading "murderer" was hung around it's waist over the Columbus Day holiday. A representative of the Sons of Italy told WPRO-AM that he would like the vandalism to be investigated as a hate crime against not only Italians but also the Spaniards.


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Christopher Columbus murdered all the natives? Since when? LOL I though those were the british and dutch invasors....unless he was like godzilla how the fck can a single man kill all the natives? He was big as a monster then... Another proof (if we just needed it) how much americans are plain IGNORANTS.....!!! LOL
@Niki: yeah..I definatly think you need to read a good history book because the one you was reading up to now is fùcked LOL...you need your history lessons to be sorted XD


Just because someone did something to a statue doesn't mean that it's a hate crime.
People don't care if he was italian, spanish or whatever. The vandalism is appropriate nothing extra.
I personally don't like how people are celebrating a guy,who claimed something that was already someone's home. And I know lots of another people who feel the same way.
But Vandalism is not the way to go.


It's not technically hatred of him as a person but what he represents. When he 'discovered' the new world he paved the way for the annihilation of the native peoples of the Americas and the African slave trade.

In the end it could have been him, a Dutchman, or an Englishman that was the first European to set foot in the New World, but the disasters that followed still would have happened no matter who the actual 'discoverer' was...


Cause he wasn't the first to discover america and for the years and years that followed of Europeans killing Native Americans and their culture.


He was an a**hole. He murdered native americans and other stuff. Read "People's History of the United States" and you'll know exactly why.

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