Who is stupid enough to vote for a meaningless bumper sticker slogan?

what exactly does "hope and change" mean? Millions upon millions of Americans are gullible rubes with an endless capacity for being imbeciles.
Are you embarrassed of yourself for voting based on a propaganda poster, a meaningless slogan and what Hollywood told you was cool? Because I am deeply embarrassed of YOU.


Bwamp! Exactly, not one single answer explaining to me what hope and change is because it's NOTHING. Oh and a link is NOT an answer.


Favorite Answer

No one voted for a meaningless bumper sticker. They voted for change from the deplorable deterioration of the country under the Bush regime and hope for a better future.

You may have noted the Great Recession, two long, expensive and ongoing wars, the growing economic divide between the middle class and the rich, the loss of US jobs to outsourcing, the tens of millions of Americans without health care coverage, the deterioration of the nation's infrastructure etc. Others certainly did.

Shelley L2010-10-15T18:29:17Z

Why do you believe that? Have you asked or are you making assumptions? I'm guessing assumptions. Liberals are too smart to vote for our future leaders based on posters, stickers or TV commercials. We actually READ and LEARN! Can you say the same of the brain-dead zombie tea-baggers/conservatives? I think not. And, FYI - HOPE and CHANGE aren't bad things. Don't be so scared.

Winter Glory2010-10-15T18:33:20Z



People gave you answers, but since you already had your mind made up, you refused to be confused by the facts.


So long as there are people who want the government doing the thinking for them, empty slogans and hyperbole will continue to dominate the political discourse.

Obviously, you are one among many exceptions.

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