40 Weeks & Not dilated at all? Chances I'll go into labor on my own?
Today I am 39 weeks & 6 days. I had a doctor's appointment and they checked my cervix & it's completely closed. The doctor wants me to come back next week and we'll evaluate how things are going at that point-- She said they don't like to induce unless your cervix is actually open because it increases my risk for ending up with a c-section. If I'm not dilated next week she might try a cervical ripening agent to try to get me to dilate & THEN induce... But she said I could end up going up to two weeks over my due date.
Anyways, my question is this-- Has this happened to anyone else & they went into labor on their own? My doctor said being dilated doesn't mean a whole lot-- That I could still go into labor at any time on my own-- But I feel like if nothing is happening yet that it isn't going to! And I really don't want to have to end up with an induction OR a c-section. I'm just feeling a little hopeless and like this baby is never going to come out on her own.