Kieth Olbermann's psuedo suspension?

Honest journalistic integrity or a publicity ploy? You decide...Thank youi


Favorite Answer

Foul attempt at being as cool as Jaun Williams


If anything, this garnered negative publicity for MSNBC. They have been and continue to be behind in the ratings to both CNN and FOX News. Countdown was the most-watched show on MSNBC. The pseudo suspension was a ridiculous attempt to seem unbiased, but ultimately ended with MSNBC worse off in the ratings than they were prior to Olbermann's suspension.

AMERICA IS DEAD2010-11-08T21:16:16Z

Hey, at least they pretend to know what journalistic integrity is.

You want a publicity stunt, I refer you to the king, The Beck rally to RESTORE HONOR, now there was a stunt. How much did they actually donate to that charity of theirs?

A M Frantz2010-11-08T20:51:18Z

I suspect that the original intent was a longer suspension, but MSNBC bowed to pressure from its viewers to bring back Olbermann.


A lib ploy to get publicity

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