Should Joe Miller be challenging mis-spelled votes for Murkowski?

Shouldn't the primary goal in recounts be to determine the intent of the voter? If someone voted for "Lisa Murcowski" it should count as a vote for Lisa Murkowski. If the law conflicts with that, the law should be changed. If Joe Miller somehow ends up getting to the Senate based on this sort of crap, there should be an immediate recall campaign.

I am a Democrat, and the above opinion has nothing to do with favoring one candidate over the other, my point is purely about democracy and common sense. Anyone have any good arguments against this opinion?


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Not at all and if he does, his desire to do the will of the people needs to be considered as less than ethical. Is he so desperate to win he would resort to pettiness.


You spoke back your question interior a similar sentence. he's objecting to all writing in ballots that comprise any misspelling of the call Murkowski. it is going to be a heat win for Murkowski & a bitter pill for supporters of Miller - ie Sarah Palin.


Maybe Joey boy would change his mind if some people voted for budweiser. I should sure it is the intent of the voter that a misspelling will not be counted.


You tell me.

If someone wrote Morkowski, do you think they mean't Murkowski or Miller?

Why are you trying to take away the voter's rights, just to get another dim-bulb teabagger in the Senate?


Good luck with that recall. There is no such thing for elected officials at the federal level.

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