What is the bright star next to the moon in the sky recently?
I am in Birmingham UK, for the past week or so I have noticed a bright constant star close to the moon as the moon becomes full. What is this star? Is is a planet? Can any stargazer help me learn more about the object of my fascination? By the stars-I beseech you!
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Jupiter; the fact that you saw it as 'constant' helps to identify it as a planet, as stars twinkle.
Remember that Venus is nearer the sun than Earth is. This means that we either don't see it at all because we are looking toward the sun's brightness, or we see it only near the horizon after sunset ('Evening Star') or before sunrise ('Morning Star'). So, it is never seen high in the sky, never seen in the dark of night.
The Moon is popping out to be in Paris, France on the instant. the colourful action photograph super call to the final is Aldebaran. The particularly bright action photograph super call greater top is the planet Jupiter, yet Capella is closer to the Moon. effective, the Moon IS considered in Australia (southern hemisphere) on the instant, yet Jupiter is to the LEFT of the Moon.