What is the best way to make a positive impact on the world?

Anytime I talk about societal problems, I try to think about possible solutions, and I always trace it back to the same thing.

If people in power had the opportunity, skills and power to make better decisions, then society would improve. It seems the way to do that is through targeted education. Teach manditory classes in high schools to teach people how to make informed, intelligent decisions. Besides a Decision Making class, I would also like to see manditory classes in Critical Thinking / Logic, Relationships, Parenting, Finance, Communications, and General Job Skills.

What is the best way I can influience high schools / middle schools to teach these classes, or is there a better way to make a positive impact on the world?

Graham P2010-11-21T18:21:21Z

Favorite Answer

Follow your dreams, but do no harm.

Often we try to be helpful but wind up causing harm.

In our personal life, if we have low expectations of our selves (or others) we subconsciously sabotage things to prove our expectations right.

First learn to love and forgive yourself and expect great things will happen to and by you and things will usually fall into place for you. Have faith, and you will keep picking yourself up and find the opportunities in challenges of life. Religions like Christianity help people forgive and love themselves by teaching God loves and forgives. These may be little more than fairy tales but freedom from guilt is a good step towards moving on. We can regret the past but looking back (wallowing in guilt) makes it difficult to move forward.

Lee Smolin's physics suggests our universe is a living person like yourself, but way, way bigger and smarter. This makes us part of something really big. Who knows what purpose we have in the greater sceme of things? Big or small, it is awe inspiring, and humbling.

Having people who love and appreciate you will help build the confidece needed to reach your dreams. Putting others first and listening, will bring love and friendship too you.

If you see a thigh that needs doing where you can help. Have a go.


the information superhighway! the worldwide interaction of suggestions and innovations and how suggestions could modify the thinking of somebody can't be computed. whilst somebody ought to undergo a paradigm shift is unknown. So the probabilities for worldwide paradigm shifts can't be excluded. .

The Deadpool™ abides !2010-11-21T01:10:46Z

I'm talking to the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change for good, Oh if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself.

nickson faction2010-11-21T00:55:06Z

One act of radom kindness at a time,,cant hurt now can it ??


easy... LOVE