Favorite Answer
Never fear!
I'm still here!
I feel inspired when you can't find the smarts within yourself because I knowtice the advantages of playing you like a joke.
I think I'll leave ya alone this time.
....Perhaps later on I'll let ya do something you'll hate yourself for doing.
i recently saw somethin that was explaining how smart people wont procreate without their lives being ideal-ish. and since the world is in a bit of a slump, the number of not-smart people procreating is way higher than the number of smart people procreating.
i mean if ya think about it, stupid people will have babies just cuz they think they want one; giving no consideration to their current predicament and standings in their lives. this problem youve noticed will sadly only get worse and worse. i fear the future.
They got to smart and either evolved into CUNNING & CLEVER CORPORATE CROOKS. Consisting primarily of Global Elitist( em-bread )blood lines that have insidiously and relentlessly sought to control rob rape enslave imprison and murder other human beings. Or they are the receptacles of the most technologically advanced forms of mind control that surpass even FLUORIDE in effectively suppressing the collective consciousness . 90% reduction plan. The commodity (stock) are the human resource. (living people.) planned for termination....
Intelligence is very unique as it doesn't have one single definition, who are the smart people? How do you define whats smart and whats not? There's so many different varieties of intelligence its impossible to define.
I suggest you go to this website:
Variety of intelligent people presenting their ideas!