How can the Republicans justify this one?

The estimated $700 BILLION in tax breaks for the top 2% (who don't NEED it) is a good thing, but spending a lousy (in comparison) $14 billion to give a measly $250 to seniors (who did NOT get a COLA this year) is a BAD thing? The logic in this one escapes me entirely.

† PRAY †2010-12-08T15:36:04Z

Favorite Answer

Our govt is out of control. If you think not getting a cost of living raise on SS is bad, wait until they cut the payment & the benefits. Our future is not pretty.
They are going to double the Fed. tax on gasoline which will cause everything to go up, including food. That will really help those on unemployment. They will be walking to look for a job..
If your SS doesn't make it now, wait a bit and you will know real need.
It is simple but they don't get it. We still give away money to foreign countries and Obama takes his India trip with 3,000 people that just have to accompany him. What a joke & we are broke.



It's not just $700 billion. It is actually $14.35 trillion. That is how much it is costing the Government by not taxing everyone at 100%. And you want to quibble about a measly $700 billion? Your logic is flawed. Money in the pockets of the people who earned it does not cost the government one cent.


Congrats to all the morons who wanted the Republicans in charge. Now we are all really screwed and the rich reps are just loving it. Did you all think something good was gonna come out of the Republicans? All they care about is getting the rich richer cause they contribute to their campaigns the poor cant barely get by in this economy so why should reps. care about them. Good luck to us all.

Brent the Great2010-12-09T00:34:36Z

Social Security is an unsustainable remnant of the Great Depression. People should learn what investing because they shouldn't have to be dependent on government aid.


the tax breaks help the middle class more than the so called rich...i love ur numbers will all this additional spending be paid for?????by our grandkids of course...i thought bama would end this spending etc...

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