Why must we refrain from satisfying our physical desires?

Our existence as life forms is not eternal, why do many such as Tolstoy, Buddha, and Schopenhauer believe that we may never satisfy our physical demands and that we must not succumb to them?


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We CAN fulfill and satisfy our desires as we know how, and as our environment permits. The question is not if we can, but how we can, and what are the repercussions?

On the existence of eternity read, "measuring eternity," or anything on four dimensional space-time

Move on2010-12-13T22:30:01Z

I have spent the better part of my teens my 20's, 30's and 40's doing nothing but fulfilling my physical desires. I had and have a blessed and charmed life filled with more experiences than most see or do in 10 lifetimes. Tolstoy, Buddha and Schopenhauer believe that we can never satisfy our physical demands and that we must not succumb to them so that there are a few of us that can. Yin and yang. Universal law of balance. If there is positive there must be a negative. If their are those that refrain, there must be those that don't.


We must refrain from those desires because some of those desires may be unlawful, morally wrong or not good for us like drugs. There are desires that we can take advantage of like eating in moderation, laughing with friends or buying a new car. When assessing whether or not to satisfy a physical desire we must ask 3 questions. (1) Is it Illegal? (2) Will my actions hurt anyone? (3) Is this desire bad for me? After asking these 3 questions if the answer is NO to all questions then satisfy your desires. Good luck in life.


"Moderation in all things" comes to mind.
The little book "metaphysics" written by a russian lady
who was the secretary to the lady who started the
metaphysical society.
States that "Desire is what we must trandsend in
Life and the root of desire is sin".
I found that she spoke the truth although i prefer
explaining this as "Karma". Karma is trandscended
by giving & receiving forgiveness.
A line in the Guru Gita states "accept whatever comes
to thee,it may be much are it may be naught,
from the bonds of craving thou must be free.
This info barely scratches the surface of what
one needs to know. for more study my references below.
human desires seem to be unending.
human desire is the misappropriated will of God.