Accidentally Took Something?

I accidentally had a gift card from Wal-Mart in my pocket. It was one of those gift cards that you pay 3 cents for. I was going to activate it to give it to my grandmother but I was in the store for approx. 2 hours and completely forgot I had it in my pocket. I forgot about all the gift card stuff. So, I walked out of the store and went to get my cell phone out of my pocket and I found the gift card. We were home already and I was scared to tell my mom because she might have thought I took the gift card on purpose. I cross my heart I never meant to take it without paying. And I cross my heart that I will never take things from stores. I'm not a theft. It was and accident. Today is Monday and this happened on Sunday. ** Not a week before Monday. Like It was Sunday that day, and I went to sleep and the next day was Monday. So 1 day. I love to shop. I hate to take things without paying. Please help. Tell me what I should do.. And I am not going to Wal-Mart until Thursday or Friday. Please...


Thanks to everyone.

Jessy May2011-01-10T16:57:49Z

Favorite Answer

1. stop being a stress-head!!
2.don't think you have committed a crime
3. the card isn't activated so you couldn't be accused of using it
4. if your really that worried about it then take it back when you go back and say you walked out with is by accident, they won't do nothing an i think they would be quite amazed about you for stressing out over something so small :)


Okay calm down, you made a mistake but it's okay.
I think you should go to Wal-Mart whenever you can and give it to one of the employees. Tell them it was an accident and you're sorry. Or you could just discreetly slip it on a shelf somewhere in the store where they'll find it. That way it would be back, but you wouldn't have to talk to them about it.
You're not a bad person haha, it's just a gift card, but it's good you care so much I guess.
Good luck


Its ok!! LOL tell ur mom!! I tell my parents when i took something like actually by accident like i even forget about it and i found out its in my pocket or something. They won't get mad. Just tell them and they'll return it back on thurs or friday its noting to be worried about unless the person does it unpurposly but if u forgot u had it no problem!! It alwats happens. I once forgot to pay for a cookie @ school and i literally walked out with it. It was in my hand!! I wasn't even sacred i just walked up to the cafetira lady and said i forgot to pay.

No worries


Calm down. Lol.
It was by accident, and you say you pay 3 cents for the card ?

No Biggie. Just remember where you place stuff. So it won't happen next time.


Take it back and be honest with them. This is something everyone should learn....It's not the action that gets you in trouble, it's the lie after wards. Take it back to Wal Mart and tell them what you did and you're here to return it. I will almost guarentee that they will thank you and that will be that.

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