Where can a 13 year old Volunteer?

I have looked every where and found it quite difficult to find a place for a 13 year old to do some Volunteer work, I would LOVE to Volunteer at an orphanage... But i think You have to be 17+ but if anybody knows of a place I can Volunteer or just something PLEASE!! I need some help and don't give me stupid answers like pet shops and stuff I need like exact websites that you might have or just elaborate details Thank you so Much...
Chase Candyface <3 ^^


Thank you everybody a lot of you helped again Thank you so so much :D

Jayne says READ MORE BOOKS2011-01-10T18:53:47Z

Favorite Answer

Here are exact web sites and elaborate details:
Family Volunteer - Volunteering by Families with Children
(Also Good Ideas for people under 16)

These aren't general ideas -- it's very specific info.


Volunteer Work For 13 Year Olds


Volunteer Opportunities For 13 Year Olds


This Site Might Help You.

Where can a 13 year old Volunteer?
I have looked every where and found it quite difficult to find a place for a 13 year old to do some Volunteer work, I would LOVE to Volunteer at an orphanage... But i think You have to be 17+ but if anybody knows of a place I can Volunteer or just something PLEASE!! I need some help and don&#39;t...


It is very difficult for any organization to allow a 13 year old to volunteer. Please don't give up; see if you can get an adult to volunteer with you. Hope this helps.

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