Which Disney roller coaster won't make me sick?

I can do up and down hills fine, but I can't take the spiraling around and around. Space Mountain made me nauseated for about 3 hours. Does Disney have a coaster I can ride? (If you're familiar with Cedar Point's Blue Streak - that is a coaster I can ride)


** Thanks for the info Red 10, I'll keep that in mind. fyi - I was perfectly fine on Space Mountain until about half-way through. There is a point where they kind of spiral you up to prepare for the next drop. That was where I lost it. I can do up and down, just not 'round and 'round. And the worst part is I *love* roller coasters!! With most parks I can just look at the coaster to see if I can take it or not, but all of Disney's coasters are inside so you can't see the whole track.


Favorite Answer

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is outside and it is the tamest one there. Expedition Everest is just a bigger version of it, slightly more intense. No upside-down parts, don't know why people say there is.

Primeval Whirl at Animal Kingdom spins a lot. Rock n Roller Coaster would not be for you. And that is all the true coasters at Disney. Test Track at Epcot has a bit of a coaster-like part which you can see outside the building. It's very short and really just like riding in a car, so I think you can do it. Don't do Mission: Space for sure. You can ride the other version of it that does not spin.


disney only has a few rollercoasters. If you can't do Space Mountain, then for sure don't go on Rocknroller coaster at Hollywood Studios as it goes upside down and does a corkscrew. You should be okay on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Magic Kingdom and perhaps Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom, although it seems like a big rollercoaster it does not go upside down at all. As a side not perhaps the reason Space Mountain made you sick was because you are completely in the dark. You may be able to do rides similar as long as you can see what is going on


If you can go up and down, I would say Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios. But if you don't like that 'I left my stomach up there' feeling, then it's not for you. I definitely would not recommend Rock'n Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios because you go upside down and I also wouldn't recommend Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom because you go sideways (possibly upside down). Toy Story Mania at Hollywood Studios is a super fun ride but you spin around pretty fast and unless you've already been on it, I would avoid it. Rides that you could probably do are Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom because you only go up/down (mostly down) and Big Thunder Mountain, although there are a few spiraling turns in that one. Kali River Rapids (Animal Kingdom) is probably also not good for you (not really a roller coaster, more of a water rapids ride) because sometimes the raft/tube thing spins around...but it's not super terrible so you might be able to do it. Maelstrom at Epcot is a super easy ride (not a rollercoaster) that you could do. Test track at Epcot has many sudden stops and turns but I'm pretty sure you don't spin around. You can look on youtube and search some Disney rides because many people take their cameras onto the ride with them, so you could see if you get nauseous. Personally, I love roller coasters, even though I always get nauseous in cars or planes, and I've been to Disney a lot, but I developed acid reflux over the summer so I'm not sure how I'll do on the rides when I go in April. Hope this helps you!