How often can kittens get colds?

I have two kittens that I adopted from Humane Society about a month ago. One of them contracted a cold and showed symptoms approx. a week after bringing him home. He was treated with antibiotics in his eyes and via oral stuff. That was pretty much since Christmas and he was better up until today! His baby friend who was also adopted was fine until a day and a half ago. he was nibbling on his dry food, but wasn't into his wet food and not going potty (that I know of, since i am at work during the day). Now he's sleeping all day and isn't really wanting to play. I can hear some trouble with him breathing, but not really significant.

What i'm wondering is that it seems like cat number 2 got the cold from kitty number 1. Oh! And kitty number 1 who had the cold initially is now showing signs of his puffy eyeball syndrome from the cold and is kind of wheezing again! Is it possible for kittens to get kitty colds back to back? I feel so bad for them!!!

I gave kitty number 2 some laxatone, less than a teaspoon because I thought he was constipated. and gave him some goats milk for calories. I do have Nutri-cal but don't want to over-do it on him since he's only about 5.5 months old. I'm also giving him water every hour via a little plastic syringe thing. Poor babies. Any advice? If they're not doing better by monday I'll bring them to the vet, but they seem pretty miserable right meow :(


they are both around 6 months old.

The vet did instruct me to separate them, however until last week I was living in a studio with no doors, so it was virtually impossible. Poor muffin heads.

For the constipation and general going potty thing I've even used pumpkin. little kitty 2 doesn't seem to want anything to eat. ugh. i hope he sleeps this off. i will begin separating them tomorrow morning.


Favorite Answer

Don't bother separating them since they both have it. I think taking them to the vet Monday is an excellent call. Ask your vet if you can try giving them lysine tablets crushed and mixed into their food. If the virus causing the problem is a herpesvirus, it can really help. Unfortunately, some cats can develop chronic upper respiratory viruses that can come out whenever they're stressed.

Good luck to you. I hope both of your kitties are feeling better soon.


Kittens can get it as long as the virus causing it is present. Get both treated.
The vet should have instructed you to separate them, but since both were in the HS it probably wouldn't have mattered. Kitty 2 could have just taken longer to show symptoms. Or kitty 1's immune system is weaker.

Poor kitties. How old are they? When my cat was constipated last year I had to bite the bullet and give him meds. None of the usual tricks worked.

Good luck at the vet on Monday.

ADD - Don't bother separating them now if they're both showing symptoms. Try giving kitty 2 something to eat. Even some chicken. Go get some chicken flavored baby food, or turkey. Mine would gobble that up when he didn't feel good that one time. Cats don't fair well skipping meals. Their bodies can't handle not eating and going a day without food causes major distress.

Good luck, again. :)


it relatively is needed take him to the vet. in case you will no longer be able to get them to the vet I even have secure a internet web site that provides you with some issues to observe for. top respiratory infections are noticeably contagious and can be deadly in kittens because of the immature immune device. it may additionally be worse than an top respiratory an infection there are quite a few viruses that initiate out looking like a chilly. wish it helps and you kitty gets extra useful quickly.


If they have all there shots, they shold rarely get sick.

If your worried aobut your kitten getting/is sick, take her to a vet.