My facebook status will not allow me to type in the box called "What's on your mind"?
I was able to do this for years -- update my status -- about three or four days ago; I went to update my status, as I like to do often. I clicked into "What's on your mind?" box, as usual, and no words will type in there.
For the first time, where we have these buttons: SHARE: Status, Photo, Link, Video -- there's a new one, when I go into the status update section. After "Video" there's a tab called SMOOCHES. I never saw it before in my life!
When I click on "Smooches", these emoticons appear below the box 'What's on your mind?'. If I click on one of the emoticons or the same one several times, or different ones -- the emoticons do NOT appear in the status update box, but instead, just ABOVE the facebook wall in a 'white strip that forms' up there.
At other computers [at work or on my Sprint cell phone], I can update my status just normally and there's no "Smooches" button following "Video".
I have been going over my privacy settings for "apps" etc. and CANNOT find one called "Smooches". I want it off and to be able to update my status again from my laptop on my computer here, at home!!!
Anyone know how to find and get rid of this tab called "Smooches" and/or "how to fix my facebook to update the status, normally, from my actual laptop at home?"
All other websites, besides facebook, have no glitches or problems like this . . . so, it's probably not my computer.