If you could go to Disney World with anyone, who would you choose - and why?

Just for a little variety in this section... Please be sure to give your reasons why you chose that person - that is what I will base best answer on - Talk me into it! There is no limit on the number of people you can list. Here are a couple of my choices:

Lewis Black and Bill Burr - I have a bit of a warped sense-of-humor and the idea of being at the happiest place on earth with two of the most miserable people on the planet amuses me to no end! I'm giggling just thinking about the rants and raves they could come up with.

Cleopatra and Anne Boleyn - They were intelligent and charismatic. You never know what sort of unexpected opportunities will develop when you're with intelligent and charismatic people. I bet THEY'D get picked to be in the parades!!

Remember, this is all about a Disney state-of-mind and personal opinions - there are no wrong answers - so I want to see lots of thumbs up and no thumbs down (unless someone tries to sell us a Dell!!)


Favorite Answer

Here's my shortlist. Given enough time & thought, I would invariably rant forever. Fortunately, I'll allot myself just a few minutes...

> Family member: I was like 7 when I experienced my 1st Disney park (Land). It was a significant family celebration which gravitated us towards the happiest place on Earth (WDW wasn't open yet). I remember my Dad wanting to hold my hand, but I thought I was too big for that. He died about 11-yrs later. I wish I could have that moment back. Since there are no limits to this scenario, I would love to be 7 again, but @ WDW w/my Dad, knowing what I know today.

> Non-family member: Walt himself. Iconic figures have always fascinated me to the point of pivotal inspiration. Hard to imagine what Walt would have to say about what he started, what it has become, or where he would like it to go.

> Really reaching: The most evil men in history (e.g. Hitler, Stalin, etc.). Would love to debate good vs evil, freedom vs tyranny.


Although he is one of the big cheeses there, I would probably want to go with Aladdin more than anybody-he seems like such a great goofball-y guy to go with. However, I wouldn't let anybody stop to take pictures with him :)


It has to be with my children, seeing them happy and enjoying Disney is priceless.


A hot girl in a wheelchair. No lines and something pretty to look at


My husband. He's the love of my life. Everything is more magical with him.

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