Where's Gerry. His I.D. is quiet for 2 months?

Gerry always asked the most interesting questions. I miss seeing his bespeckled picture.


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i do not no but miss in answers and question maybe i will do some investigating this evening


I have not seen Gerry in some time now. I pray all is well with him and he is simply taking a break and having fun!


Yes, I've noticed that, too. He has a way with words that sends me scurrying to the dictionary. LOL. Come back, Gerry!

Marilyn T2011-01-29T00:24:25Z

Your right, he has been gone for a long time.
i also enjoyed his questions and answers.
If I remember properly, he mentioned something about taking a break for awhile, at least I hope that is the reason we haven't seen him lately.


i wondered that too. my account got wiped 12-17-10 and i had to have a new identity. don't know what happened. could it have happened to him? pray that he's well.

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