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bb2002 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Gerry McCann supposed to go back to work next month, but says?

"Mr McCann said they had no plans to return to the UK soon - even though his compassionate leave runs out at the end of the month.

He said the couple felt "protected" in the resort town of Praia da Luz where they wait, desperately hoping for news."

Would that be "protected" from angry UK citizens, Social Services or something else?

John McCann said yesterday that Madeleine woulve been "damaged not only physically, but mentally" if a child abuser had her, but would still be alive probably. He said she "may be damaged, but would be retrieveble".

He makes her sound like a car thats been stolen!!!


It seems the entire McCann family went to the same school of charm!! Do these people honestly not realise what theyre saying?? Do they REALLY not realise that the terms they use are incredulous?

Likening feelings to "being overdrawn in the bank"

Saying they are "dissapointed" Maddy hasnt been found

Kate saying we "arnt dwelling on Madeleine"

Gerry blogging about Kate "running in 19 minutes"

John now saying maddy might be "damaged but retrieveble", christ, I could fill a book with distastefull "McCannisms", and a Library with "Gerryisms". Have they NO social skills at all?

Update 2:

cassandras-evil-sister, Im not American either, but Id not behave the way these 2 have, and Im probably speaking for a lot of us in the UK when I say its not "common" for UK citizens to be so totally emotionless and thick-skinned that we would ever use the terms they use when talking about something as heart-wrenching as your own child possibly being dead.

Thats noting to do with Race, Colour, or Creed, thats just to do with Narcissistic Arrogance.

Update 3:

Yet more "Gerryisms" in this interview. How many can you count?

39 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My personal pet theory is that he or his wife were responsible for her disappearance - their reaction is excessive even compared with other parents in similar circumstances.

    He's staying around so that he might get any clues that the police are on to him.

    There are certainly issues with regards child neglect that I would hope the UK Police or Social Services will be discussing with them.

    UPDATE: Yesterdays newspapers reported how "much vital evidence" may have been destroyed by the McCanns when they "searched" the room for Maddie. Now maybe I'm just a bit cynical... but doesn't that sound suspicious to you...?

    - Orion (aka Captain Bunkum)

  • Their social skills are just as good as their parenting skills, with that sort of common sense I wonder how they ever got to be doctors in the first place. They know that they will have to answer a lot of questions if they return to the UK and they have also heard that the weather has taken a turn for the worse.

    They act like Madeliene has been naughty and run off, rather than looking like they give a flying duck about her whereabouts. I have never seen parents act like this about a missing child. People with no connection with the case seem more heartbroken than these pair who are more concerned with getting new outfits to meet the pope

  • 1 decade ago

    The amount of people who have sent emails to his website must give Gerry some idea what public opinion thinks of him. At the very least, they are no longer interested in his self-promotion, and some actively despise him for his behaviour. If it was me, I'd be worried about the reception I'd receive on my return. People want Madeleine home safe and sound. They are tired of seeing "Team McCann" creating a circus! I bet their closest friends are asking "How could you leave them?" in the back of their minds, even if they are publicly supporting them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The parents neglected their own daughter while they thought a meal was more important then their children. Look at the life they had since. Not a trace of grieveness among them, but Gerry is slowing breaking down. I have never seen Kate showing any emotions yet. It is hard to say what they will do. If she is never found (sorry for the harsh words) does that mean they will never return home. Who is paying for all this anyway. I mean the length of time they are out there. Nothing is cheap nowadays. Is it the money that is being funded for poor little Madeleine. Shame on them.

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  • clara
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    However long they stay there they are just delaying the inevitable, they have to go home at some time and the other two little ones need to return to some sort of normal home life. I do think Gerry McCann doesn't always choose his words very wisely, he can come across as a little hard and impersonal some times.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm glad Gerry McCann feels 'protected' in Praia de Luz because Madeleine certanly wasn't.

    Perhaps, as McCann has no plans to return to work, things can't be all bad! I wonder if they will claim benefits in Portugal? That £700,000 should see them ok though.

  • 1 decade ago

    protected? is that from the UK police and social services? it`s time they were charged with child neglect and ended this charade - and their bloody extended holiday at the expense of others. they make me sick - they are cold, heartless and emotionless and all they seem to care about is the money and keeping their tans topped up.i`m sorry but for all the peeps about to thumbs down me, WOULD YOU leave your 3 year old to go out boozing. i`m a parent of 2 and so help me god have never left them for more than a minute, and even then had them under the same roof.

  • It's Gerry's Spock-like language that has attracted my attention more than anything re TEAM McCann (PLC) and that, whatshername, oh yes, Maddy. He sounds like an audio version of a Haynes car repair manual and is far too anal to understand sentient qualities. I feel his behaviour (Kate has no choice, she is told what to do) is anathema to successful child rearing as evidenced by allowing his children to be left alone in an unlocked building at their age!!! All under 4 years old! It's staggering, you just don't do that! And a mistake is something that happens once and you learn from it, not several night after night "mistakes" of leaving your children whilst you dine out. Yes, he has the charm of a traffic warden and the heart of a breeze block. I think the twins and Kate should be placed in care and Gerry sectioned. I proffer restrained and reasonable advice regularly as you can tell!

  • sammie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The whole team mccann really grips me and i have to say i really hate them and their odd ball attitudes they have taken on their missing daughter.... Another thing how can two well paid proffessionals be overdrawn.... saying that thye have access to the funds set up so they wont be overdrawn again .. and i am sorry any child who has been abused can never be retrived as the damage lasts forever .. numbskulls

  • 1 decade ago

    You would think the PR people they have employed as part of their campaign would advise them better wouldn't you?

    They have executed a very clever PR protection plan here. Lets whip up some public hysteria and sympathy and no one will dare question us as to why we left 3 kids under 4 sleeping to go out and eat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have felt this way about them since the very beginning. There are many theories as to what could have happened that night and the dad has dug both he and mum in a big hole. If I had to choose who I feel sorry for besides Madeleine it would be the mother. I think she may as ticked off with the husband as we are but afraid to say anything. I didnt like her actions in the beginning and I will never like what she did that night by leaving in a room but I will say she is looking worn down. I think dad is taking a break because he knows mom is about to snap and if she snaps she may spill it all and let everyone know what really happened. The biggest thing I don't understand is people don't see any of this. There are people that feel so sorry for them that they dont see all the things he is saying and doing as suspicious behaviour. I honestly believe that the biggest amount of supporters are catholic, I am a former catholic and the fact that they became special attention to pope people are worshiping them. Catholics idolize the pope just as if he were God himself. (thou shalt not put any gods before me) is not recognized in the Catholic church I dont think. I think they wrote that commandement out of the church. I am not saying all are catholic but it would not surprise me if a majority of those supporting are and another large amount are just the kind of people that like to go against the majority just because they can. Last week they said they believe Madeleine was taken from someone who wanted a child and feel she is safe, this week they think she is damaged? Why the constant story changes with these people. Yet it was cruel for a reporter to print a story that could have possibly been a lead to where she was? Hate to say this but if I were in a situation like this I would pray a good reporter was out there who likes to dig and be nosy and doesnt care about what they print because at least I would be getting info if the police was not filling me in or if they were ignoring leads and tips. I think they only reason this one was actually followed through with is because the press got to it first.

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