Really Weird Menstrual Cycles?

ever since December my periods have been really weird.
I got my period on Dec.1 and it ended Dec.4th it lasted only 3 days from my regular 7-day period.
Then I got my period (Again) on December 25th
That period lasted for 3 weeks. It was heavy with clots and it caused a lot of cramping.
It ended all of a sudden 2 weeks ago on December 18th.
Now I got my period again!
What is wrong with me?! Has anyone experienced this?
I'm not on any birth control that may have caused this.
I'm 18
Any answers will help. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

I would say you probably have some hormonal imbalances happening in your body at the moment, which is nothing to be alarmed about. But perhaps go see your doctor, they may be able to pinpoint whats wrong and give you ways to fix it.


My cycle has replaced steadily also. i'm no longer on any pills (yet I actually have had 2 youthful little ones, and were given my tubes tied) and now my era takes 2-3 days to commence. It flows for extra or less 2-3 and tapers off for 2-3. per chance that's in basic terms commonly used for it to regulate over the years. i'm 30, btw.


You could have PCOS, one or many fibroid tumors, an endocrine disorder, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, a clotting disorder, anemia, lots of things that should be looked into because often what you are experiencing indicates something that affects your overall health not just your fertility.


Yes, and i had a Etopic Pregnancy. Go to the doctor as soon as you can...