Why Ask Why in YA Politics?

Why do people ask question in YA Politics?

If you have asked a question in YA Politics, were you really looking for an answer or were you just looking to irritate the other side?

I've been reading question after question and I can't say I have found one where people really seemed to be sincere in asking the question.

So why do you do? To what end?

ps: please note, this is a serious question to those of you who post questions.


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Lots of good thoughtful answers, but then the question was a fairly straight forward question not designed to make someone mad or insult them.

I do think though that it goes a bit deeper though, that the level of nastiness and all has to do with the anonymity of the Internet and people feel a bit more powerful when they think they can tweak someone else.

Maybe YA needs a "serious thinkers only" area for a real exchange of thoughts.


i'm sorry yet i have in easy words been travelling for decades, replaced into there ever this variety of time? you're able to keep in mind that what we are seeing the following isn't any diverse from what exceeded for political discourse contained in the media and between Politicians themselves. As a former aggressive debater i'm continually appalled at how completely incapable a lot of human beings immediately are of even following, now to not teach conceiving and providing, a coherent position with a factually depending helping argument. In a society the position maximum folk won't be able to imagine previous a 30 2d sound chew or a one hundred and fifty personality textual content and Sarah Palin is taken under consideration a position kind for aspiring Politicians what else do we expect?

Johnny on the Spot2011-02-07T21:31:34Z

The guy above me is correct. Post a serious political question, perhaps about what the Constitution says, then post another and include something about Fox News and Sarah Palin, and see which gets more answers.

Anything with Palin, Obama, Fox News, or race gets a ton of hits.


Most people use the politics section on YA as a forum for debate rather than a source of information.
Not that I am suggesting very much rational discourse or debate actually takes place here.


Some of us have too much time on our hands . If you have read newspapers and listened to TV for 60 + years and had felt you needed to let something out in rebuttal but did not care enough to send a letter to your local editor Then Y/A politics is the place to let off a little steam and engage in a little sarcasm

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