Have you heard about the Remington shotgun recall?

If you own a Remngton Versamax. Don't shoot it.

Call Remington and get it fixed. 1-800-243-9700, Prompt #4. Remington will arrange for the return shipment of your Versa Max shotgun.



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Thank god I don't own a Versamax.

EDIT: James, that is irrelevant. Yes, Ithaca did produce a shotgun similar to the Remington model. It was a far superior, evolved model. Note that I've never seen Ithaca Gun Co. (even during their bankruptcy years) have a recall that forewarned of any danger. You pay for what you get, and although Ithaca shotguns are expensive... they're more gun than any Remington will be. It is just a matter of workmanship.

James: Ithaca *did*. However... I don't see Ithaca Gun making any blunders like Remington and a couple other manufacturers have been doing. When you pay for an Ithaca, you're not paying for something that was slapped together from mass produced parts, you're paying for a hand fitted gun (even the Defense models have a degree of hand fitting!!!) Out of the box, you're guaranteed a gun that won't fail you... or worse, self destruct and kill you.

Remington is getting a little lax.


Remington Shotgun Recall


Remington Versa Max Recall


Dustin: Mossberg has a shotgun recall too (the 695).

Supergregg: Ithaca got started by building Remington's old models.

M1911: No fewer than six models of Colt's 1911 have been recalled.

All kinds of things get recalled all the time. Sometimes problems don't show up until after products have been sold to consumers.

Remington has been making great products for almost two hundred years, and thanks to their success, they have the resources and money to make good on their mistakes. All of the aforementioned manufacturers make great guns.

edit: You're right.. correction above... They were founded up here in NY in 1816. I don't know why I said a hundred, but I have no doubt they'll be going strong for at least ten more.

SG: What I was trying to get across to you was that even Ithaca thought highly enough of Remington's ancient designs to tool up and produce them after the patents had expired. They also purchased the rights to produce at least one of Remington's designs.


James is wrong: I purchased a 150 Anniversary 760 in 1967, so Remington has been making fine guns for over two hundred years. All most every gun maker has recalled something; most the time it is a flaw in a few guns but to be on the smart side they check them all out.

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