Weapons policy's in schools?

We were just watching the "View" this morning and there was a family on there whose son was expelled from school for a year for possessing and firing a pen body and using spit wads. While I understand and agree that school policies about weapons need to be strict, what part of common sense does this imply?
As an example.
A sharpened pencil could be a deadly weapon, but there are millions of them used in our schools every single day, and I'm sure there are injuries. Nothing has been said about them
What do you think?


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Driving a car on a school parking lot can be a deadly weapon, baseball bats in the sports section could be a deadly weapon, an electrical cord in a classroom could be a deadly weapon, a shard of glass found on the grounds could be a deadly weapon, a tree limb could be a deadly weapon, a skillet from the cafeteria kitchen could be a deadly weapon and yes a pencil could also be a deadly weapon. The schools do not use common sense any more. Guns are out of course and so are long knives but they are not the only deadly things around a school. I have seen kids aim pencils at the ceiling,using their hands, and sticking them into the ceiling.


I would think that if something is capable of firing a projectile it can then be considered to be a weapon.

Pencils can not fire but they can be the projectile and then one might ask if their child would be expelled for having rubber bands?

Most of these types of expulsion are the over reactions of the idiots that run the schools and I find it rather hypocritical when so many of the schools will expel you for having a weapon yet one of your classes is archery.


You said "firing" and "using."

Has a pencil been used as a weapon, the same punishment, no doubt, would have been taken.

While you may be making a good point, your method of explaining it doesn't quite work.


Schools take these situations out of context to create trouble.


Common sense in our educational system has died along time ago.