who or which is more dependant on the other? mankind or animals?
If animals, all animals were to become extinct would mankind or humanity continue to exist or is our life dependant upon animal life?
I am not referring to plants just animals like insects, birds mammals ( other than humans,) Both animals and humans are dependant upon plants but the question is are other animals dependant upon human life for their existance?
Favorite Answer
We are completely dependent upon plants and they are the only organisms that can convert energy from the sun into food that others can use. Most animals have been here long before humans, so of course they can survive without us, to me it is more of question of if they can survive with us. It would be hard for us to be completely independent of animals as we probably wouldn't be able to obtain some of the essential vitamins and minerals without them as plants don't produce some such as cholesterol. So my answer: animals would throw a party if we were gone tomorrow and we would die if the animals were gone.
The answer to this question is complex but in a nutshell, yes I do believe humans can live without animals on the basis of food. However we do need them from a biological standpoint. The best example of this is bees. Bees are crucial membrs of our planet because they pollinate. There are other examples.
Do we depend on animals for survival? Absolutely! If they are gone then the planet goes with them!