Do we need a purpose in life?

I got in a big argument with some of my friends last night about the purpose in life. My friends told me that everyone needs a purpose in life to live, but I don't have a purpose in life, I'm happy with just existing. What do you guys think?


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I think that sub-consciously your purpose in life is being alive for the people around you. So the people dependant on you (could be family or friends) need you!

You dont realise but you do serve a purpose in life wether you realise it or not.



I actually agree with you. A purpose in life doesn't need to exist if you are content with just existing, Honestly, I think we all already have a purpose without even realizing it. All of our wishes, hopes, dreams, they give us a purpose of living. Everything we look forward to gives each of us some sort of purpose in our lives. And I think it's absolutely great that you're content with just being alive, there aren't many people in the world that are happy with their lives.
Although a purpose in life does give people some kind of motive to wake up everyday in the morning and achieve something.


You have to plan for your future. The life will not be the same forever. There will be changes. Unexpected incidents or accidents may happen in your lives. You must be ready to face it. Money is more important for life. Every month you must deposit something in Bank. Till you reach a good figure (money) you must live an economical life. You must have a good motivation in life. Motivation always keeps your mind busy, brisk and interesting. It saves your mind from scattering towards different things and keeps you on a useful line.


I agree with you. You don't need a purpose in life. That belief has caused me untold grief in my lifetime. I was taught that theory when I was a Catholic child. I'd rather just be happy living.


I also have no purpose. just live. true success in life is being happy. If you are happy doing nothing , and happy with having nothing, you are successful

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