If you could, would you want to be president?

Keep in mind most Americans could do a better job than what we have now/

James E Lewis AKA choteau2011-02-28T14:34:43Z

Favorite Answer

No, and most Americans could not do a better job given the circumstances and opposition and political propagandizing that President Obama has had to face.


A 3 day old carcass with incandescent toadstools sprouting from it's back could do better than our last few presidents (Obama included).

I'd love to be president but I don't think I have the temperament. A president needs to be diplomatic at times when I would not be. A president has to at least put on a veneer of indifference or calm when I'd be animated about a subject. A president has to have a shiny image I do not. So while I'd love the duties I doubt my qualifications and whether I'd merit the job. Then again I like doing tough things. I don't think most people realize how difficult a job like president is. Nor do most people have real leadership experience. At best they have been middle managers who's sole claim to leadership is to translate orders from on high and not irritate on high with back push from below. They led nothing, they were the ultimate followers. A president has only the people to whom he/she is beholding. Not that recent presidents understand the concept of Democracy as they allow party, special interests, commercial interests and several other things come between them and the will of the people.

Reagan had it right. Whether you agreed with his ideals or not Reagan was a president of the people. He talked to the people, he listened too the people and as best he could he did the will of the people as he understood it. JFK was as well to a lessor extent. Then you have to go all the way back to Teddy to find another. Most presidents in the last 100 yrs felt like they knew better for the people and ignored our cries and wishes. I would listen too the people and as best I could do the will of the people even when at times it would cross my personal beliefs/agenda.

Joey M2011-02-28T22:26:49Z

If i were president then America would be a lot better. First, That whole thing with debt yea gone, every government worker would get a pay cut and that whole welfare thing would only be given out if you are working 70 hours a week or more and still living poverty. Also tax breaks and other gov give outs would be sent to American companies like Nike, Apple etc to bring their factories back over to the US in order to stimulate jobs. Health care reform would be re designed in order to compete with the insurance market instead of destroying it. Further more aid to third world nations would be cut in half and the money that would be given would be to help them become self sustainable. Meanwhile, pressure would be put onto middle eastern governments to stop the protest and turn into a democracy hopefully fueling that into pro-capitalism in China and eventually in North Korea which would end that problem. taking us out of a recession in roughly two years or less and ending that whole crisis....sounds good to me


Not Me But This Is The Person I Want To Be President


While I believe that I am much better qualified (I have had several Real private sector jobs, a few in management where I was responsible for a budget), I am honest enough to say I am not sufficiently qualified.

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