Clarithromycin side effect?

Yesterday, I was prescribed Clarythromycin for a sinusitis/bronchitis. I took my first dose last night with no problem. This morning, I took my second dose. About an hour after I took it, I felt dizzy, weak, and very hot - I thought I was going to faint. I just sat still for about a half hour and it passed. Then I felt very cold for a little bit. I'm fine now. I did NOT feel short of breath (well any more than I have been due to the bronchitis) or get a rash or anything, so I don't think it was a serious allergic reaction or anything. But, could my symptoms of have been from the clarythromycin, or just a weird thing that happened just maybe because I'm sick? I'm a little afraid to take another dose. I can't be feeling that way every time I take it.


Favorite Answer

It might have been.But,you would be much better of if you were to call either your doctor(not sure if he/she is working on a weekend) or call your pharmacist.You will receive much better information from either your doctor/pharmacist about any and all possible side effects from this specific antibiotic.Hope you feel better soon.Take care.