I just coughed up a white worm?
It was about 3 inches in length and the thickness of spaghetti. PLEASE HELP. I'm freaking out.
It was about 3 inches in length and the thickness of spaghetti. PLEASE HELP. I'm freaking out.
Favorite Answer
You have intestinal parasites. You will need to see a doctor to get some medication to kill the worms. I would save the worm (as gross as it might sound) in a ziplock bag to show the doctor so they can prescribe you with the correct medication.
Sorry this is happening. I'd be freaking out too, but you will be okay.
Go to the doctors ASAP!
It sounds like you could have tape worms.
This is serious, and keep the worm if you can.
Then go to the doctor ASAP.
Was it writhing and everything? If it was I'd go to the ER immediately.
But you might want to thing about what you had to eat.