Question about women's breast size...?
Ok, I have a friend who says that her size is 32A and her mom's is about the same, but her younger sister looks like she has a DD.. Also, I've been surfing through many questions up here and seen many girls complaining why their breasts arent as big as their sisters or their mothers, many of them saying that their sister's size is small and their size is big.. Different stuff based all around one mislead theory: Breast sizes come from genetics.. I have come to believe this thing is not true after all the different cases I have seen up here.. So can someone please enlighten me what really causes natural breast growth? Is it diet, milk and fat or is it genetics?, I don't think genetics play a major role at all.. And aslo, we all know about Jessica Simpson having big breasts and Ashlee Simpson having comparitively small ones.. I think it is more about diet, and having fat food or drinking milk and stuff more.. P.S, I'm just puzzled and curious. So can you please tell me if what I think is true, and if not, please tell me what is the science behind it.. If its genetics please explain
I would like to request you not to post lousy answers like "guys like smaller boobs", "you're lucky to have small boobs", "implants" or "be happy with what you have" or that kind of stuff.. Please give me a reasonable and logical answer because I am really confused
Freaking b*itch I said I don't want ridiculous answers please go f*ck off