Do atheists have any control over their own feelings, idea's, and actions?

The emotions, thoughts, suggestions which Christians claim to be of satan. I am sure everybody has that "inner voice" that they use to determine decisions in every day life. Even the psychiatrists claim this.
Christians say that Jesus Christ helps them to distinguish the good from bad. And through Jesus they over come the negative ones "satan" and their life is better. And with Jesus they can gain more control of their own every day life decisions.

Can atheist do this on their own? Example, wanting to eat chocolate cake after lunch but know it is bad and you don't need it. So you overcome the urge own your own. Stand up for yourself and don't eat it. That is basic of coarse. It applies to everything good to bad.

Anima Father Child2011-03-23T19:09:43Z

I am going to use a little logic.
(not real logic but enough to say this makes sense)
Now according to the situation you posted, atheists have no control over good or bad decisions, because Satan basically chooses for them.
Now according to Christians as long as your let Christ lead the way you will be able to distinguish the good decisions from the bad ones.
Which would be a good decision.
Now since Satan is not going to allow an atheist to make a good decision they will never let Christ lead the way.
Hence forth an atheist could never become a Christian because atheists have no control to make a good decision. Let alone realize that it would be a good decision.

If you can see the flaws in what I said, then you can also see that atheists do have the power to make their own decisions. Good or bad.
This is because, people learn what a good or bad decision would be from how they are raised. For instance if you are raised to believe that sugar is evil and should be burned you will most likely carry that belief with you your whole life or until you are honestly convinced otherwise.
Now how do humans know what is a good or bad decision?
Well we have been here at least 5000 years minimum. I am pretty sure in that time through trial and error we have just figured out what the good and bad decisions were. Then we taught our children so they wouldn't have to repeat our mistakes.
Of course we can't always make the right decisions, but I am pretty sure if you ask sane person if they can decide what is best for them on a daily basis they will tell you that they can.


Example, wanting to eat chocolate cake after lunch but know it is bad and you don't need it. So you overcome the urge own your own. Stand up for yourself and don't eat it

I think there are just as many fat Christians as fat atheists, so the issue of self control isn't related to belief, at least not in general. Self-control is a personality issue, not a belief issue


Why does all human beings at here hate atheists? No. i think that folk gets punished for their movements: criminals will bypass to penal complex, jpjust as an occasion. and that i don't understand what's going to take place when I die. I do exactly not have confidence that there is a god. that's what atheism ability.


No, that's why we're all bloated crazed hedonists. I'm presently typing this on my laptop while driving 120 miles an hour against traffic on the way to the red light district, hope I run over some kids on the way.

Wayward Surfette2011-03-23T18:30:41Z

It bugs me when Christians blame their bad thoughts and actions are from Satan. Things like Hitler, Communism, and Mao are generally blamed on Satan. Those are humans and human inventions. Humans can do good or bad all by themselves.

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