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Did you know that the atheist notion religion caused most war is a lie?

To correct any incorrect perception that religion caused more deaths in history than anything else people should know that in the book, "Encyclopedia of Wars," authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod document the history of recorded warfare, and from their list of 1763 wars it turned out that only 123 have been classified to have been motivated by a religious cause. These wars made up less than 7 percent of all wars and less than 2 percent of all people killed in warfare.

If you look at the Crusades they estimated that three million people were killed and maybe 3000 were killed in the inquisition. Yet nearly 35 million soldiers and civilians died in the secular slaughter of World War 1 alone.

So for those who try to sell the idea that religion is to blame for most of the deaths in history here are some atheist Dictators who led rogue governments and the deaths attributed to their killing sprees:

Joseph Stalin ( atheist ) - 42,672,000

Mao Zedong ( atheist ) - 37,828,000

Vladimir Lenin ( atheist ) - 4,017,000

Pol Pot ( atheist ) - 2,397,0003

11 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stalin was raised a Catholic and took complete control of the Russian Orthodox Church - why do you think there are so many Russian Christians?!

    Mao Zedong was a Buddhist!

    As far as Lenin was concerned, it was quite understandable why the oppressed turn to religion: "Impotence of the exploited classes in their struggle against the exploiters .. inevitably gives rise to the belief in a better life after death "

    Pol Pot rejected religion but does that make him an atheist?

    Interesting that people claim these people as atheist when in fact Communism is seen as a religion with it's own tenets!

    But why have you left of people like Hitler and George W Bush?!

    Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. - Adolf Hitler

    My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.

    - Adolf Hitler

    George W Bush started FIVE wars in less than eight years stating each time that it was his "God Given Duty” and on September 16th 2001 even called it a Crusade!

    Not his duty to the electors!

    Not his duty to America!

    Just his duty to keep slaughtering heathens for his god!

    Causing trillions of dollars of national debt that will take decades to repay and 46 MILLION Americans living below the poverty line that Mitt Romney does not care about!

    Then look at Islam!

    The violence goes back to a dispute over who had spiritual authority over the Muslim community after the death of the prophet Muhammad in what is called the “fitna” which translates as temptation or trial and caused all the discord within Muslim community.

    Shi’ite Muslims believe that authority was vested in his family; the Sunnis look to the sayings and actions of Muhammad as well as the Koran.

    The extreme sectarian violence has been brought about by Al-Qaeda Which while being exclusively Sunni deliberately set Shi’ites and Sunnis to kill each other in Iraq. Sadly more Muslims die by Muslim hands each month than were killed by the invading forces in the war!

    Hamas also kills far more Muslims than the Israelis ever have!

    An average of over thirty five Muslims a week were being killed by Muslims but in the last few years it has frequently been over a hundred a week!

    Whether it is a Danish Cartoon, book of fiction , a snippet of film or some other excuse, Muslims hit the streets around the world rioting, looting, burning and uttering death threats!

    Nearly all the Muslim countries are seeing Muslims attack Muslims destroying homes, businesses, infrastructure and targeting women and children particularly showing the extremists must surely be trying to turn Muslims into primitives living in caves and mud huts so they can be controlled more easily!

  • 8 years ago

    I never WANT to defend an atheist notion, but in this case they are correct. If you go to Rev 17 and 18 you will find discussed a woman called Babylon the Great. She is described as a queen ruling over the kings of the earth and committing fornication with them. She is then destroyed by the kings of the earth in a very quick manor. Now who is this woman, this Babylon the Great? It is easy to identify her. Notice Rev 18:4 a warning is issued to god's people to get out of her. So she is something a Christian nay be associated with, actually a member of. Further in Rev 18 we find the Kings of the earth and the commercial element and the ship captains all decrying over her demise but staying far from her. If we remember the Devil's world has three basic supporting elements being politics, commerce and religion. She can't be either politics or commerce, so religion is left. Further research shows her to be the world empire of false religion.

    Now look at Rev 18:24. Here is found what Atheists claim is true and the Bible backs up.

    Rev 18:24

    Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets+ and of holy ones+ and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

  • Joel V
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Even the Crusades had underlying motives aside from religion. While religion has been used to justify certain wars, most "religious" wars have underlying motives concerning the rulers of the warring nations. Religious fervor might drive the soldiers on the battlefield, but for the kings and princes it's usually something deeper than that.

  • 8 years ago

    Countless millions were brutally and sexually tortured to the point of death and then burned alive in the Inquisition. It is our beliefs about Life and about God that dictate what we are being and that dictates what we are doing. Religion as far as bringing peace to the world has failed us miserably. If we could just believe in the Law of One..that there is only One of Us and act that way it would work better. Then, you would do unto your bother as yourself because you would see your brother is yourself.

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  • It's not a lie. It's a misconception. There is a difference.

    Most wars have been fought over politics. Nonetheless, religion is probably the second biggest cause for war.

  • 8 years ago

    Atheist regimes in the 20th century killed tens of millions of people. Doesn’t this show that we were better off in the past, when our political and moral systems were guided by a belief in God?

    This is a popular argument among theoconservatives and critics of the new atheism, but for many reasons it is historically inaccurate.

    First, the premise that Nazism and Communism were “atheist” ideologies makes sense only within a religiocentric worldview that divides political systems into those that are based on Judaeo-Christian ideology and those that are not. In fact, 20th-century totalitarian movements were no more defined by a rejection of Judaeo-Christianity than they were defined by a rejection of astrology, alchemy, Confucianism, Scientology, or any of hundreds of other belief systems. They were based on the ideas of Hitler and Marx, not David Hume and Bertrand Russell, and the horrors they inflicted are no more a vindication of Judeao-Christianity than they are of astrology or alchemy or Scientology.

    Second, Nazism and Fascism were not atheistic in the first place. Hitler thought he was carrying out a divine plan. Nazism received extensive support from many German churches, and no opposition from the Vatican. Fascism happily coexisted with Catholicism in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Croatia. See p. 677 for discussion and references.

    Third, according to the most recent compendium of history’s worst atrocities, Matthew White's Great Big Book of Horrible Things (Norton, 2011), religions have been responsible for 13 of the 100 worst mass killings in history, resulting in 47 million deaths. Communism has been responsible for 6 mass killings and 67 million deaths. If defenders of religion want to crow, “We were only responsible for 47 million murders—Communism was worse!”, they are welcome to do so, but it is not an impressive argument.

    Fourth, many religious massacres took place in centuries in which the world’s population was far smaller. Crusaders, for example, killed 1 million people in world of 400 million, for a genocide rate that exceeds that of the Nazi Holocaust. The death toll from the Thirty Years War was proportionally double that of World War I and in the range of World War II in Europe (p. 142).

    When it comes to the history of violence, the significant distinction is not one between thesistic and atheistic regimes. It’s the one between regimes that were based on demonizing, utopian ideologies (including Marxism, Nazism, and militant religions) and secular liberal democracies that are based on the ideal of human rights. On pp. 337–338 I present data from Rummel showing that democracies are vastly less murderous than alternatives forms of government.

  • 8 years ago

    If an atheist kills a Christian because that person is a Christian, religion is still the reason of that death.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    so you say that ALL atheists are murderous dictators by showing us just 4 of them? gee, you must really be based on opinions and prejudice.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yeah....there are plenty of examples here where Christianity is sited as a reason

    And of course none of yours has atheism sited as a reason. Let's face it, they are all heterosexual too. Am I to assume you are against that as well.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah go atheists we get sht done!

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