Why do so many Liberals want a Healthcare system like Canada?
Why do so many Liberals want a Healthcare system like Canada when the Canadian government can pull the plug on a sick toddler forcing his parent to move to the US to get the care he needs? That is just horrible. We should be thankful to live in a country where WE get to choose when to pull the plug and not some bureaucrat.
Because it is a far superior system that actually takes care of the people.
You list a single case as an example of why the Canadian system is so terrible, yet ignore the 50 million people without health care in your country. Many of whom die every year because of your greed.
The health care reform act is like none other in the world, including Canada. There is nothing in the health care bill that will allow the government to choose what care you receive. That decision is now and will remain with your insurance company. I hate to surprise you, but that Canadian couple is paying cash.
Who said we want a system like Canada? We want a system where if someone has a severe medical condition, they don't go into bankruptcy. We want a system where you don't have to send your claim to your insurance company 3 times and then argue with them on the phone to get them to pay it. That sort of thing. When given the choice between providing service or appeasing stockholders, insurance companies will always choose profit over people.
What on Earth are you talking about ? The Canadians made a sane humane Conservative business decision about a terminal child that was in their care "We should be thankful to live in a country where WE can spend unlimited amounts of other people's money helping parents to deny that their kid is already dead. "