Why are some people ungrateful?? Share your opinion...?

Some people go out of their way to help others, say please and thank you, and are overall courteous.
Others aren't bad people, but fail to acknowledge other people's effort. It really bothers me.
I guess if I understand their motives it will be easier for me to like them instead of resent them. Please help me by sharing your opinion. It will be very valuable to me.

Beach Life2011-03-28T17:25:34Z

Favorite Answer

That's a pretty cool question. I like the way you voiced that. I've struggled with the same thing, and still do from time to time. Seems to me it's self centeredness...which is increasingly popular. Yuck!
The "ME" generation they say. I wish I had a better answer for you....I just chalk it up and say to myself..."people are people" and try to let it go. Let's hope others have a better answer as I too am interested to know how others deal with that.