Has Google joined the Global Warming conspiracy? Why would they?

What's going on here? Why is Google interested. Is someone giving them grants too?


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Google's motto is something like 'do no evil'

As far as conspiracies go (as always) which one, deniers have dozens, they have not a shred of evidence for any of them but this is really just about throwing mud, throw enough and it doesn't matter if there's no backing for the conspiracies you will pick up the sad groups each of the conspiracies is aimed at those that dislike the U.N. or the Greens or leftists or taxes or Gore or communists (hi Jim).

As someone who works in a science group I would be the first to admit scientists have not done a good job of communicating to the public, whats happening, scientists also have a long history of ignoring conspiracy theorists on a number of issues, which in the past did no real harm, but in this case deniers are being well funded to spread this BS.
Denial is living on borrowed time, things like UFO conspiracies have no real end date, but AGW has real outcomes and while they are slow, they are happening. Denial is ~10 years old with a ramp up in activity about 4 years ago and in that time we have seen yet another 'warmest year' and the Arctic continues to shrink.
If it behaves as it usually does we are also likely to see the PDO cooling event end in the next 5 years, when it does, denial will lose it's public support as new record highs are set and 98' falls far down the list of warmest years.
Deniers have already tried to create conspiracies around Dow chemical and the ozone issue so I'm sure they will make up one involving Google as well, as they have around several billionaires, that is the nature of denial. i.e. see jims answer.


Um, hate to say this, besides the indisputable fact that the Arctic ice will continuously come back each and every wintry climate because the temperatures drop and the solar drop. That being reported, we also do not understand how a lot sea ice there became in the course of the Medieval warming era. finally, popping out of a era instantly ahead even to the AGW supporters because the Little Ice Age, lets say that the sea ice became at one among it truly is extreme factors. that is between the most important questions that an excellent volume human beings "deniers" have, what became our climate like 1000 years in the past. Even the U. S. EPA suggested on their website like 2 years in the past that we do no longer have sufficient preparation to recreate to the accuracy that the AGW scientists choose us to have self belief.


The gist: google prides itself on being referenced based. Yes the individuals participating can and will apply for grants under goggles sponsorship. Those deemed the more effective communicators will get an all expense paid excursion/vacation with Nat Geo: http://blog.google.org/2011/02/making-sense-of-science-introducing.html

There are critical views: None are climatologist and by any alarmist standard that's a no-no. They have to undergo a period of training/indoctrination. Any information or research will probably be media based having limited application.

If google really wanted to make difference, why not supply the public with real non-fee peer reviews? It would have a greater impact.


This is all very funny to me. The warmers side have said polar bears are going extinct, have blamed both cold and hot weather on AGW, have even blamed tsunamis on AGW, and think they have a right to call people liars? There has been a complete decrease in the slope of the warming, yet the warmers come out with more exponential models. You have people making claims of 20 foot sea rises and London being underwater, yet the warmers only want to "spread the truth". When your exponential models are shown to all be overestimating the warming, and you come up with more extreme exponential models, I have to ask how much you really care about the truth. When you come up with a Cap and Trade scheme and pretend that it is not a regressive tax, I have to wonder how muich you care about the truth. When groups of scientists engage in public policy and endorse C&T, I have to wonder how much you care about the truth.

Then you have the audacity to say it is a conspiracy. This is not a conspiracy, conspiracy engenders a shroud of secrecy. This is clear bias for a purpose and directly visible by all who want to look. This is the tobacco industry publishing studies that cigarettes do not cause cancer. The people who are selling the information have a vested interest in alarmism. They get their funding based solely off of the amount of fear that is generated. They entirely ignore the garbage end of the world lies coming out of the warmers camp, while fighting and discrediting all who state that AGW is not nearly as bad as portrayed. In such a way, the "scientists" pretend unbiasedness, when their biasedness is so obvious as to be absurd. These "scientists" (who never make use of the scientific method) have the money that they make solely dependent on the scare-mongering going on, not to mention, if they fall hook, line and sinker for "runaway AGW", then they get the added benefit of thinking they are saving the world and even better, having others think they are saving the world.

This is not a conspiracy. This is the way the world operates. People do not bite the hand that feeds them. Why would you think that scientists would speak out against what is funding their research?

As for Google's idea, I think it is absurdly stupid. I doubt they are going to actually control what goes through their search engine and cut off skeptics, but it is obvious that they need to stay clear of this. This sounds so much like 1984, that it is absurd. They have trouble sounding like an honest broker when they pick sides, even when their actions are still of an honest broker. I would also be willing to bet money that Google has investments in green technology and are simply looking ot capitalize on their investments. Seriously, why else pick such a political hot potato? Why not world hunger, racism, or any other myriad of other clear issues devoid of the politics?

Lo and Behold

So basically they started to invest heavily into green technology in 2007 and 2008, when C&T looked very promising. Since then, the public has lost interest, the congress turned republican and their investments are not making money. They decided to work towards swaying public opinion on their side and using their influence to affect changes that will give them higher returns for their investments. How is this a conspiracy, it is right out in the open for anyone to see. Heck I googled it.

Borrow time? You really think it is skepticism that is living on borrowed time? You guys are predicting an exponential rise and have been for at least 20 years. The temps are not rising exponentially, the slope is decreasing and leveling off. Look at the past 15 years. Unless we start seeing an exponential rise soon, it is the runaway AGW scare-mongering garbage that fewer and fewer people are even buying that is living on borrowed time. The polar bears are not dying off, and when they are still here 10 years from now, you all will look foolish. Already one of the predicitons that New York would be under water has not come true. 20 feet rises surely are not going to happen. How long before all the exagerration from your side are shown not to match with reality?

Hey Dook,
Funny, but you like to make outrageously stupid claims all of the time, and further block anyone that would call you out on them. What was that little nonesense question about Hoover and conspiracy? A little bit of ad hominem attack? HMM? Or do you think it is also permissible to state that all warmers are advocates of the "circle for humanity" because one warmer very publicly is?

Will T2011-03-29T01:24:21Z

I agree with Baccheus, there is no ryme or reason to the ravings of the the AGW deniers on yahoo7, time after time you ask them to back up there argument with numbers, time after time there is no reply.

The freedom of information that google has created is absolutly amazing, if they choose to use this power to further spread a scientific fact, resulting in more people realising the gravity of the situation we are in then so much the better.

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