My hands itch so bad and I don't know why. I've googled it and whatnot but nothing seems to fit. I haven't changed any lotions or anything and I don't know what I could be allergic to. Any ideas would be helpful.
Also there isn't any rash or anything and it's mostly my palms.
Ovilia Fernandes2011-03-29T10:04:05Z
Favorite Answer
Itching can be caused by a plethora of reasons. Some of the most common causes for itching include:
• Exposure or contact with chemicals.
• Sunburn can cause itching.
• Insect bites or stings.
• Certain infectious diseases such as chicken pox cause itching on the skin.
• Parasites on the body such as body, head or pubic lice can cause itching.
• Itching can be the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods, plants or pets.
• Dry skin is a common cause for itching. This is usually seen in older people as aging skin is often dehydrated.
• Cold weather, overexposure to water and hot baths typically cause itching.
• An unfavorable medication could cause itching as a reaction Itching caused due to non-medical conditions can to a great extent be treated using home remedies. Some that can be used to control or treat itching are as follows :
• Take a bath in one can of evaporated milk; you can add other combinations such as oatmeal, baking soda etc. The milk works well to soothe the itching.
• Apply Aloe Vera, cod liver oil, lemon juice, vitamin E oil, wheat germ oil, or witch hazel tea to the itchy area.
• Take burdock, chickweed, goldenseal, plantain, or yellow dock in capsule form.
• Cornstarch helps relieve itching. You can pour some into your bath water or dust it onto your body.
• Scrub the affected area lightly with a pumice stone. Then wash with soap, apply rubbing alcohol, and dab a thick layer of Vaseline over it. This will provide relief from itching.
• Take a bath with a little peppermint or yellow dock to relieve itching.
• Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath water to relieve itchy skin.
RE: Why do my hands itch?!? My hands itch so bad and I don't know why. I've googled it and whatnot but nothing seems to fit. I haven't changed any lotions or anything and I don't know what I could be allergic to. Any ideas would be helpful.
Also there isn't any rash or anything and it's mostly my...