How is the practice of charity related to the more basic spiritual theme of overcoming the ego?

How can the practice of charity be a spiritual discipline?


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How is the practice of charity related to the more basic spiritual theme of overcoming the ego?

~~~ Jeeeez, the poor ego has come with such a bad rep!
Ego is 'thought'! One and the same. The egoic/thought construct of an autonomous 'self' (me vs you) EXISTS as 'thought'! The ego/thought is a feature of Reality/existence/Truth! The notion of 'overcomming 'thought/ego' is just as ridiculous as 'trying' to overcome air, or the moon, ot a pizza! It's ALL Reality, ALL inclusive!
It's ALL True!

As I have understood and practiced 'charity';
"Charity is simply not taking more than your share!"
A real horror to those selfish ones (spiritual Republikkkans) who think that throwing a few of their extra pennies at someone (or get their tax breaks) absolves them from their (egoic pride) 'selfishness' and, if you believe it, 'karma'!
It doesn't!
It's easy out, and doesn't take any character! They delude themselves!
Not taking more than your share (humility!) leaves enough for all!!! There would be no one left to need your 'extra' pennies; all would be housed, all would be fed, all would have medical access (the USA and South Africa are the only 'developed countries' that do not have universal medical coverage!), etc... Just look in the mirror, see the piggy and hope that humanity seeps into your self-ish little world!
Yes, Truth can hurt! 'Pain' is the beginning of wisdom/humility!
It keeps you humble realizing how much more than 'your share' you really take!!
Such truth is not for cowards.

Not knowing to what you refer by 'spiritual', I feel that I may have answered your question anyway.


I actually think that giving to charity is a way of boosting one's self importance. That's not to say that being philanthropic isn't a good thing, but I don't think that anyone gives to charity without feeling a little bit good about themselves. There is inevitably an internal pat on the back, an aren't-I-generous moment. I think the only way of being perfectly selfless is to give away something that you absolutely need and can't do without. In our convenient, privileged Western world, not much comes into that category.... except maybe children.... but I couldn't even conceive of that!

jess m2011-04-01T01:16:41Z

Because if you are giving to charity, you aren't being selfish.
A lot of people can be very selfish and want everything they have to themselves, and not think about what other people may have, and whether they might need support.
Giving to charity teaches you the discipline of, a) asking themselves do I need what I have and can I give it to someone else, and b) not to be greedy


Practice means repeated or continuous effort to follow the discipline and order, which gives permanent control for the mind and its thought waves. This is well done through exercises of our will power and reasoning power. When we talk of EFFORT, it means that we should put proper, adequate, concerted, sustained and unlimited effort for channelizing and giving right direction to the mind.

This practice becomes firmly grounded when it has been cultivated through our BEHAVIOUR and HABIT for a long time, uninterruptedly with earnest devotion.

Practice cannot become perfect unless we have clarity of understanding. Clarity of understanding comes when we put all our life's efforts towards experimenting with TRUTH.


There, but for the grace of God, go I.