3 year old swallowed piece of plastic?

My almost 3 year old son just threw my photo printer on the floor and a little round piece of plastic broke off. He put it in his mouth and swallowed it before I could take it away from him. He said he ate it and the last time I saw it, it was in his mouth. He didn't choke (it was pretty small), and he's acting perfectly fine. Should I worry or will it just pass?


Favorite Answer

If he is fine....there is no need to take him to the emergency room...there is nothing they can do for him. They can't take an X-ray cause the plastic won't show up. You just need to make sure that piece of plastic comes out. Check every one of his stools. If after about 7 days it does not come out then go to the DRs. It is also possible for the plastic to block his intestines so go to the DRs if you notice a change in his stool....bloody, or if he doesn't have a bowel moverment for a couple of days.

Shaye S2011-04-03T00:58:31Z

You should not worry about it. One time my friend accidentally swallowed a marble and... not to be gross but... he said that it came out the other end, if you know what I mean.


it will most likely pass and if he feels stomach pain later then call a pediatrician but its not a big deal


it will pass...and hopefully you will not have to look for it...
